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Leon - Gay in Japan?


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Apparently, Leon was portrayed as flamboyantly gay in the Japanese version of Star Fox 64. If that's the case, does that mean he's a totally gay character in the other games in Japan?

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So....? DOes it really matter Steve? Its a game.....should it matter?

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So....? DOes it really matter Steve? Its a game.....should it matter?

Not really, but it is an interesting difference in cultural views for sure! :P

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FAAAAATHER . . . *sniff*

It doesn't really matter, but I'm still curious. It might explain the name of his ship in Command. :P

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Not really, but it is an interesting difference in cultural views for sure! :-P

Mhmm, good point :)

FAAAAATHER . . . *sniff*

It doesn't really matter, but I'm still curious. It might explain the name of his ship in Command. :-P

Oops sorry, I thought Steve made this tpoic. *facepalm* Lol whatsa the name of his ship in SFC?

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Rainbow Delta. I thought that was more of a nod to him being a chameleon than anything.

And he was pretty obviously flaming for Wolf in Brawl.

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"Gay in Japan" would make an excellent forum user title.

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I actually read it on the Arwingpedia but WAIT WAIT WAIT those kinds of wiki's seem to have a much more reliable staff, and I haven't spotted any lies on that wiki yet.

But honestly, why would someone make that kind of thing up? It's just so random. Japan is a wild place, so I wouldn't be surprised if this was true.

EDIT: Oh, and the thing I said in reaction to "Steve" was a Resident Evil reference.

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But honestly, why would someone make that kind of thing up? It's just so random. Japan is a wild place, so I wouldn't be surprised if this was true.

It is probably fact; Japan's fandom enjoys the odd pairing and/or their own interpretation of their characters just as we do in our respective countries :D.

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EDIT: Oh, and the thing I said in reaction to "Steve" was a Resident Evil reference.

Heh, my apologies ^_^

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I actually read it on the Arwingpedia but WAIT WAIT WAIT those kinds of wiki's seem to have a much more reliable staff, and I haven't spotted any lies on that wiki yet.

Lots of bullshit winds up on every sort of Wiki. I've seen lots of junk on Star Fox wikis (entire paragraphs devoted to Wolf's nonexistant parents) before they've been purged.

But honestly, why would someone make that kind of thing up? It's just so random. Japan is a wild place, so I wouldn't be surprised if this was true.

So only Japan can have gay characters because that's such a c-c-crazy concept alien to us normal North American folk? What?

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It doesn't really make a difference. I'm pretty sure everyone's picked up on some of Leon's peculiarities during the game. I always kind of assumed he had a thing for Falco, what with being on his ass all time, but it never changed my view of his character.

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It seems like half of the cast is portrayed as "gay" in some fandom in some part of the world.

I hear Fox and Falco got a thang going on over there as well...

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I hear Fox and Falco got a thang going on over there as well...

Always knew that song would find its purpose somewhere. :D

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eh, sexual preference doesn't matter to me with a character like leon. however, the cultural diffrence is shocking. if they had made him gay over here the game would have recieved a much different rating....

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It seems like half of the cast is portrayed as "gay" in some fandom in some part of the world.

Yeah uh welcome to every fandom of everything ever

eh, sexual preference doesn't matter to me with a character like leon. however, the cultural diffrence is shocking. if they had made him gay over here the game would have recieved a much different rating....

That's sadly very true :/

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I hear Fox and Falco got a thang going on over there as well...

Along with Katt being a transvestite, Wolf being extremely gay, Krystal not existing as she ruins the pairings, Peppy and James having an affair with each other, and possibly more things that I either can't remember or don't know about.

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It seems like half of the cast is portrayed as "gay" in some fandom in some part of the world.

I hear Fox and Falco got a thang going on over there as well...

Along with Katt being a transvestite, Wolf being extremely gay, Krystal not existing as she ruins the pairings, Peppy and James having an affair with each other, and possibly more things that I either can't remember or don't know about.

Sounds like how a lot of every male character is portrayed in some of these fanfics to me, though Tranny-Katt is new to me.

Oh EoL. you and your thoughts on Krystal.

So Leon's sexual orientation answers why his ship is called "Rainbow Delta?" Then if Wolf was gay, then his ship would be called "Leather Swingset." LOL. I'll believe the animal pun over that for now.

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"You're on my Crotchless Leather Pants, Fox. Don't disappoint me."

yeah you know what i can see why they might have veered away from that

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Leon's gay? Well that explains The Rainbow Delta.

I wonder how this would of affected the game if this was known earlier on?

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Along with Katt being a transvestite, Wolf being extremely gay, Krystal not existing as she ruins the pairings, Peppy and James having an affair with each other, and possibly more things that I either can't remember or don't know about.

From what I've heard, people seem to like to pair off James with Wolf...yyyeeaaaah.

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Leon's gay? Well that explains The Rainbow Delta.

I wonder how this would of affected the game if this was known earlier on?


Actually, I think more people would be concerned with "why he's gay" rather "than that he's gay." It's like what they did with Rotor in the Sonic Archie Comics. Some Rotor fans were pissed that Rotor's gay, but it'd piss them off even more if they found out the main reason why is because he was becoming more of a minor character and, as a result, becoming less and less interesting.

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If anyone can speak Japanese and want to see if Leon is gay in Star Fox 64 Japan here you go

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