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What now for Starfox?

Rik McCloud

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I really don't think Nintendo will reboot the franchise from SF64, or reboot it from the beginning either. It kind of needs to continue from the last game(s) to stay "Star Fox". I mean, if they reboot, what exactly are we going to get? Jack McCloud, Poppy, and Sloppy? Or will it still be James, Fox, Peppy, Slippy, etc? What about Krystal, Katt, Bill, SF2 characters? Forget them or just put them in there again? If the latter, then why not just continue from where we left off. I mean, why go through all the various plot points again? Or are we going to get new plots/timelines… I can't say I'd care too much for an all-new storyline… >.> Just continuing could still work out and "please everyone" again as SF64 seemed to do, if they fix everything up.

I'm thinking we'll see a Wii U Star Fox (Don't know what cool features they'll put in for the U's gimmicks, but they should be interesting) announced sometime in 2012 and released in early 2013 or possibly even late 2012, as long as SF643D's sales are satisfying. Not sure what type of game or story it will be. Should be an interesting year coming up, though!

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It's been said before but I'll say it again, it's impossible to continue from Command as there is no canon ending, not to mention that Command isn't canon anyway. A reboot from 64, with Krystal and possibly Fara written in would be the best logical choice, Adventures, Assault and Command will have never happened! But of course, that's why Nintendo won't do it ^^

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I really don't think Nintendo will reboot the franchise from SF64, or reboot it from the beginning either. It kind of needs to continue from the last game(s) to stay "Star Fox".

That is meaningless. Star Fox has no idea what staying "Star Fox" means. The only thing that connects any of the games is the characters, and given the wildly different characterizations throughout the games, that is by name only.

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That is meaningless. Star Fox has no idea what staying "Star Fox" means. The only thing that connects any of the games is the characters, and given the wildly different characterizations throughout the games, that is by name only.

Now I remember what happened when I got in these debates on Arwing Landing… I would like to continue debating with you, Dras, but it's useless… we each have our own opinions and can't get the other one to see ours so it's pointless.

But I do see your "point" somewhat. I do not agree, though.

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Delete this due to it being unnecessary.

Seems a bit overly pessimistic; there's always new discussion and thought to be found regardless of how many times a topic has been recycled.

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