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Let's theory craft! Crtique and post loadout ideas here!


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This thread is mainly here cause I'm bored, but also because I saw some more comp match videos and saw a few unusual loadouts being used. Secondly, we also have people here who love generally seen "inferior" weapons and those that hate "good" weapons, so it'll be interesting to see how our TF2 community (especially those interested in comp) think.

Although I'm too lazy to do it myself right at the moment, the easiest way to look into these is by posting our preset loadouts on all our classes. Instead, I'm going to post the one that had me scratching my head. Soldier in a comp highlander match using buff banner, rocket launcher, and some melee I am unsure of.

Generally in high level play, you don't ditch shotgun EVER. Eeeeever. You don't do it. It's too useful. But really, it also made a lot of sense. A few times, he built enough rage to formulate a push, and in more cases than not it was extremely effective in wiping the defense. It made me start to actually think about the buff banner as somewhat viable, but I dunno if it actually is?

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I don't know too too much about the general ideas and thoughts on competitive play, but I do know I have seen some amazing videos of people using all these 'bad' weapons in great ways.

Usually people don't use the sticky jumper in game play or at least I think they wouldn't, but I remember seeing two videos of this guy using it for a really -really- great Demoknight mesh up, when usually people put a shield on for that slot. The loss of the charge and the shield bash bonus can be really really bad, but if you can work with it, know how to time it, and make the most of the maneuverability, it was totally worth it. Needless to say, he was doing this all with the Pain Train, and caping points as if he was a scout.

All really matters on timing, experience, and just plain how good you are.

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I've been speculating how to use the Kritz in comp.

Generally speaking, the first CP of a comp match is won by who pops their Uber last. They build at about the same speed and when you reach the center point its almost full.

Kritz is sort of nullified in comp because even when you build it up faster, the enemy medic will just hide and wait for his uber to build up, then chase you away with it. Furthermore, the medic is not the first class to reach the center CP, the Soldiers, Scouts, and Demo is, due to rocket jumping.

I'm wondering if perhaps a GRU Heavy+Kritz medic could take side paths and get behind the enemy lines during the initial fight for the center CP and anihilate them from behind (optimally taking out the enemy medic first then everyone else). I know Heavy has a low skill ceiling in comp, but most noone every agrees with kritz minigun in their back, especially in tight confined hallways like in Badlands.

Just a thought.

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I've been speculating how to use the Kritz in comp.

Generally speaking, the first CP of a comp match is won by who pops their Uber last. They build at about the same speed and when you reach the center point its almost full.

Kritz is sort of nullified in comp because even when you build it up faster, the enemy medic will just hide and wait for his uber to build up, then chase you away with it. Furthermore, the medic is not the first class to reach the center CP, the Soldiers, Scouts, and Demo is, due to rocket jumping.

I'm wondering if perhaps a GRU Heavy+Kritz medic could take side paths and get behind the enemy lines during the initial fight for the center CP and anihilate them from behind (optimally taking out the enemy medic first then everyone else). I know Heavy has a low skill ceiling in comp, but most noone every agrees with kritz minigun in their back, especially in tight confined hallways like in Badlands.

Just a thought.

I dunno how you might properly use it, but I see tons of comp videos/commentary's where one team uses kritz primarily, and they tend to be the winning team. I'm not sure if it depends on the map, or the team/team work, but I know it is possible to have the kritz be a very scary foe, even against a normal uber. Specially when you are able to team it up with a demo and their stickies.

But then again, the issue with that is Demo and Soldier, two of the primary thought of ones to place it on, rocket jump and sticky jump so with their constant maneuverability, it'd have to be planned. Which isn't an issue, really. If the team know what they are doing, and are shouting to each other, like they should, then it'd be all good.

Just my thoughts on that matter, really. Not like I actually know how or why certain things work; just that they do. xD

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Unsurpisingly. It's one of those weapons that outright removes one of the Heavy's weaknesses.

Although I really don't see why the equalizer is banned under the same logic, though. Maybe the comp scene just hates seeing Heavy become viable? :troll:

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Remember: Many leagues ban the GRU

Ahahaha what. Really?

That's fucken stupid. Just... I don't goddamn even.

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