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In what era of Star Fox would you like to re-live in?

Chrono Reaper

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If you had a chance to spend your vacation in a Star Fox fantasy, It could be from any game or comic, (non-cannon pre Star Fox 64 included), what era and where would you be? For laughs what vacation time would you use up to visit?

I would have to say I would live on Papetoon, Pre 64 era where the SF team lives. If I had to be practical I wouldn't say I'd be on the team, but maybe like a neighbor in the area who rented those tree like houses in an oasis surrounded by the desert plains. I'd probably drop by once in a while like a neighbor would ask if they had any ingredients they could let me borrow. I'd work my way up and become friends and start hanging out in the places they'd visit or go to on their shore leave time.

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Fichina's capital city, pre-aparoid invasion.

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Probably Corneria

Are Fichina and Fortuna the same planet?

Not quite. In Star Fox 64 they mistranslated Fichina as Fortuna. Fichina is the snow planet and Fortuna appears to be covered by forests.

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I would go back to the lylat wars and alter the course of history so that i alone rule the GALAXY single-handedly...


I would convince fox to send a nuke or somethin to Dinosuar Planet instead of his wasting his time there...

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Just after the Aparoid invasion, that way most of the System's defenses would be minimal and Darkmatter could spread easier.

Or from a civilian stand point Nothing bad seemed to be happening during that 8 year period of downtime, and when there was an issue it revolved around one planet I don't live on, so yeah. I'll take the 8 years after the Lylat Wars.

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The Great Fox From Star Fox Assault To Meet The Star Fox Team

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Zoness before polltuion or corneria city

This. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do remember hearing that Zoness was a tourist attraction before it was polluted by Andross.

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