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Illegal immigration, the borders, and things related to them.


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I'm sure somebody here has heard of the Arizona law. I'm sure has somebody has heard of companies using the labor of said immigrants for cheap.

Well, what do you say about all of that? What should the policy towards the borders be? And immigration?

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to broad a topic that i know too little about and live to far away from to say anything about.

Just because you have no input on the topic at hand doesn't mean it is too broad.


In any case I'd like to side with the laws in place; if you come here, do it legally. We already have a job shortage and quite a few problems in the United States, and with illegal immigrants comes undocumented people, crime, and employer bias.

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Alabama is having a huge, huge problem thanks to the new immigration law, which is kicking all the Latin Americans (others too, but Latinos are the majority) out of the state. Thanks to this, jobs done by those "illegals" are left empty,and since they settled up for a low pay, nobody wants to fill the spot. It's ironic, it was done to protect the economy for those that didn't pay taxes, but now it's going to backtrack at them, no primary work force=economy will shatter. Sure thing, there are laws about minimum wage and all, but most people are not settling for that, if landowners start to pay more to their workers, without having a bigger income, then the prices of food will increase.

While I agree that illegals are a huge issue just because of the extra expenses the country has to pay for them, and the jobs they "steal", there are many other ways to deal with this, and I'm sure Alabama is not doing the right thing. Hell, even the Mercedes CEO was put on detention because he was not carrying his passport.

For those like me that travel often and stay in another country for a while, carrying a passport everywhere is a no no, mostly because it's your most valued possession and if you damage/lose it, you are almost, literally, screwed. It's funny that they can't come up with a simple freaking plan to use the country's technology to do this kind of checkups, databases and standard interfaces are not a thing of the future. Foreigns (legals) are supposed to enjoy their stay and not feel alienated. I personally feel stupid when I have to go through customs, because while they have a fucking computer, a centralized database, and the World Wide Web, they still feel the need to ask you the same damn questions over and over and over and over again and they need to tell you, in a figuratively way "You are in America, bitch, remember that we are better than you" No wonders why so many people choose to enter the country illegally, trying to do it legally is a pain. But alas, this was just partially off topic and me ranting.

Getting back on subject....When it comes to the detection of said illegals, I do believe, again, that things like this could be managed so easily with technology and a limited amount of resources. And when it comes to those jobs that nobody else wants to do for a low-low pay, I dunno, I feel sorry for you, America, it's partially your fault. Why?, because you encouraged your landowners/production line/etc to hire cheap to keep the prices right, instead of coming up with better plans. The min wage on the US is about 4-6 dollars an hour if I recall well, on Mexico, it's about 4 dollars a day. So yeah ,for those in charge, it sounds pretty damn good to pay a person 8-10 dollars a day to do heavy physical labor. Your workers can't complain because they will get thrown back to their country (in this case, Mexico) and they will pretty much settle for the pay. The penalties to have illegal immigrants in your business used to be a joke, anyways. Still, the numbers don't lie, there are currently, millions of illegals. If they all get kicked, who's going to do their work if Americans themselves don't want to fill those spots because of the low pay? Let's remember something, illegals normally have the lowest of the lowest tier type jobs. You need your primary work force to have your business running, without that work force, you are doomed.

Well, that's my 2 cents on the subject, I just think that if states, such as Alabama, plan to come up with outrageous ways to kick illegals back to their country, they need to at least predict how the economy will be impacted and prepare to fix it.

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I'm probably a bit out of the loop now that I've moved to Canada and don't actively seek out the latest news on illegal immigration in American - which is kind of ironic, I guess, since I'm currently in the immigration (legal) process myself - but I hope that, even if the plan is to make the illegal immigrants leave, that they at least give them the option to fill out all the papers. I think another part of the reason why people immigrate illegally is because of how fucking expensive the whole process is. Pretty sure the thousands of dollars I'm going to have to pay soon isn't unique to Canada. And, honestly, I don't know why it costs so much when they don't even give you any official papers that acknowledge you've immigrated. For me, that's an EXTRA thing that I'll have to PAY ONCE MORE for, and I don't think it's cheap either. Then, even if you pay all the fees, there's no guarantee they'll approve your applications, so you might have just thrown your entire life savings at the wind.

Anyway, it's also a lot of companies' faults. I'm sure that illegal immigrants who've been hired to work under the table for cheap sent word back to their homes, which spreads quicker than I think a lot of people realize. If someone tells you all you have to do for a better life is hop a few fences and dodge some police, you're probably going to do it and tell your friends so they all have the same chances.

So, yes, I agree that it's America's fault. I always have trouble feeling sorry for things that happen in the States because America seems to be its own worst enemy. Everyone wants the people taking their jobs out of the country, but no one actually wants those jobs because they feel they're entitled to something better, for whatever reason. I have a lot of friends who refuse to take certain jobs because they "have a college degree" or they're just plain better than something like that when there's no way they're going to get the job they want anytime soon. America is like a picky child that wants to eat, but hates all the food that's put in front of it.

I think that kind of ended up sounding a bit like a rant, but eh.

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