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"Should I really play Call of Duty 3?"


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I recently nailed MW3 on the head with a 97.5% complete and overall score on campagin, 88 multiplayer matches, and 51 Survival Mode games done. But I soon got tired of it. So, I flipped off my Xbox 360 and turned it back to TV. After finding nothing interesting on, I stumbled across "WWII in Color" on the Military Channel. So I said to myself "Why not?" and flipped it on. After 5 episodes, I started to crave to play something involved with WWII. I soon realized what I should play. Call of Duty 3! I had remembered that I got it and hadn't played it, and I didn't know why! But I stopped myself. Only 7 year olds and annoying hackers play the early CoD series. I then thought to myself, "Should I really play Call of Duty 3?"

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If you want to play the game and have it available, than by all means play it. I personally would rather still watch the WWII program but that's just me.

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I do too. I also really like the WWII themed CoD's as well.

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Go for it, personally I prefer the COD 2, probably because I never really played COD 3 maybe a demo. IMO, MW3 is just a MW 2.5 I don't see nothing particularly interesting it in.

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Yes, the old Call of Duties are wonderful, but they don't have sprint if you're in a hurry. I'd honestly suggest finding a copy of Call of Duty 2 on the PC seeing as it doesn't need too good of a computer and is still somewhat active.

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