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Scott Harvery

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About this blog

Hi there! My name is Scott. I've been a member of Starfox-online.net since around 2010, and been a Starfox and Nintendo fan since childhood. Hopefully you'll see me a bit more around, these days, as I've recently returned a long break from playing on the console market.

Entries in this blog

Rest in Peace, Satoru Iwata.

Lately, I've tended to avoid making long walls of text in public places these days.. But hearing the news, I thought It was time to put my thoughts out there. On July 11th, 2015, Nintendo's CEO Satoru Iwata passed away due to complications from a bile duct infection. Iwata was an iconic figure in Nintendo's community, joining Nintendo's HAL labrotory in 1989 as a programmer, he helped produce many of the company's work, such as Balloon Fighter, and Earthbound, before becoming a Director in 2002,



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