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Clear's Italian Adventures - Update 3



9:47 AM
Just crossed over into the region of Toscana in the bus. Still hilly and a lot of mountains, but the vegetation here is a lot more varied. Currently on our way to Saint Giocommo. Weather's horrible, hopefully it'll brighten up later.
6:03 PM
Whew, what a day! After visiting San Giocommo and it's medieval architecture which I loved, we hopped on the bus  again to Siena and it's famous Palio. No joke, it really was a grand ol' place. Shame the weather didn't let up, but me and the lads had a lot of fun, trying out a couple of pizzerias and bakers. Italy really has some of the best bread-based products out there. Tomorrow's the final day, and we spend all of Friday coming all the way back home, so I might not do a journal entry tomorrow and save my battery for the sleepless night we're sure to have tomorrow. Eyes open from 12 to 6 I guess.

Stupid battery's draining faster than it should be, even with bloody Battery Saver on. How does that work?!


Pictures of me exploring San Giocommo and Siena are attached.







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