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I was a big Starfox fan back in the day, and made (horrible) fan art.


Now I'm tinkering with Unity to make a space shooter game, and I can think of no better theme to use than Starfox.


So I made this today.  It's an N64 Arwing with a somewhat modern paint job.





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:welcome: to the site; the artwork you've attached is quite nice if I do say so myself.

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Nice artwork! I love what you did with the arwing.

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Thanks, it's nice that you've been keeping the Starfox following alive.


Agreed.  For the most part discussion on this site can span a wide variety of subjects, though Star Fox is what brought us all together here in the first place.


Here's hoping we get a new game sometime in the future. :-P

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Guten Tag. We need more newbies to initiate. 


Now go and sacrifice a newborn lamb and you will become one of us.

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What HE19 meant with that is for you to go and explode Pigma on 64/64 3D again. :troll:


On a serious note, that's some amazing render(?) you got of the Arwing. also, welcome to SFO! :D

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Welcome to SF-O, fritz. Do you create those renders from scratch? They look really good.


Can't wait to see the Wolfen when it's complete.

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Hmmm... interesting works. The Arwing is good, and I look forward to seeing the Wolfen finished. Job well done, comrade!

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