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Minecraft Server Testing


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Yeah it's weird, I gave DZ my Minecraft name, so I should be on the whitelist, but then again he never got back to me, so I don't know...

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

if you're not on the whitelist you can't connect to server. you probably need to claim land to build. I would do a /kill to respawn.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

if DZ had the commandbook plugin installed, he or anyone with proper permissions can teleport you out of where you are.

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If you're not whitelisted, you don't even connect.

I'll look into that. You probably spawned in a dungeon that is underneath the spawn point. I'll look for it and probable fill it in.

Also, the /spawn command should warp you to the main spawn point.

EDIT: I used World Edit to fill all layers below spawn with stone. You should spawn above ground now. Spawn area is admin claimed from bedrock to the top sky, so there was no way you were getting out of there.

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Yeah I typed /kill and it fixed it when I respawned.  But I do have a question as to how to get more room to build on the server.  Like, how come Sawtooth has so much area he's built, but the area I can claim is much smaller?

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I can give you more. IM me on Steam later and I can do it for you. I'm keeping it initially low so that I can get a feel for what people are building.

Also, the testing is finished, so I'm going to lock this thread.

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