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World War Z: Lylat Edition Request


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RP name: World War Z; Lylat addition


Style: Forum


Theme: several months into the Zombie War, or World War Z


Setting: Corneria in our version of 2025 (don't know how to convert to their years)


Description: You (the people of the roleplay) were living your normal lives until Cornerian scientists made a mistake. During the course of several years, they were working on nanotechnology that will not only heal fatal wounds, but would prolong life 30 years longer than it would usually be. A young male lupine, no older than 21, was given an injection with the nanobytes inside and was tested daily to see how they were working. For about 2 years it was fine, but it soon took a turn for the worse.


They snuck up to the brain and took control, making him have zombie like behavior. When the scientists came to check on him, they were taken by surprise and were soon bit right on the back of the neck, causing the nanobytes to spread to their brains within less than 10 minutes. Soon enough, it spread to more and more people until Corneria became almost desolate. Survivors have sheltered inside an old store, barricaded and shut down.


Goal: get the antidote which is located 700 miles North East of our location. At a research facility that contains scientists that were able to barricade themselves inside. We don't know about it yet, so we must find Dr. Ward, another scientist 65 miles West who is with his family and friends taking shelter in their cellar.


Player Count: No more than 20 people entering, not including extra characters they choose to introduce into the RP.



  • Powers of any sort are not allowed
  • Only realistic weapons such as guns, bats, makeshift Molotov Cocktails or anything of that sort. Just simple things we can find around.
  • No planes or aircrafts. Cars are allowed yes, but not for the whole RP. 
  • You have the choice to have your character get bitten if you'd like, but after at least 20 posts that contribute to the RP. Once you are bitten, you cannot be saved and we have the choice to kick you from our group to protect ourselves. It is up to a fair vote among the group though. (see the time chart for how long it will take for the bite to spread). You also have a choice to have that part of your body amputated if its a leg or lower arm bite.
  • You may have up to 5 spare characters in the RP. No more.
  • The only way the bytes can be spread is through a bite. A scratch cannot transfer it to you, unless you get their blood in your mouth, eyes, nose, or an open wound.


Infection Time Chart:

  • On the leg: 48 hours until infection is complete 
  • On the thigh: 40 hours until infection is complete
  • On the sides, lower back, or stomach: 36 hours until infection is complete
  • On the hand or wrist: 30 hours until infection is complete
  • On the shoulder: 24 hours until infection is complete
  • On the upper back: 12 hours until infection is complete
  • On the neck: 10 minutes until infection is complete
  • Blood in the mouth, eyes or nose: 10 minutes until infection is complete
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I want in on this.


Chayrlin please, she has no powers.

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Alright, so position one goes to waffles. You can use whatever character you want, just no powers. Kids and such are allowed as well. Spouses for your character, family, etc. But only up to 5 at a time please.

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I'd like to use my OC Lephiroth, brother of Sephiroth.  He has two wings though, but was cast out of heaven because he was too good for them.  And I know you aid no powers but he won't start with any of his world eating powers.  Oh also he can seduce anyone and is only looking for love in this crazy world.  He can be found brooding on rooftops in his spare time.  


Okay in all seriousness I'd like to be Kage.  He has no powers anyway. 

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I'll be in on this. I might need the weekend to get a character but I'm in.

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Hes fine with me. So thats 4. Lets wait until monday to see how many people want to join, then we'll get it started

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You seem to have enough support for this and I look forward to seeing how the RP plays out. 




When you're ready, start a discussion topic here and the actual roleplay here.

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I am going to be on an Aeroplane for most of the day on Monday, so i will post when i can and then on Tuesday

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you mean the title? There's a movie called "World War Z" and by addition i meant "style".

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you mean the title? There's a movie called "World War Z" and by addition i meant "style".


Ah, then you're looking for the word "Edition".  I'll go ahead and correct the title.

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I'm game I just need to finish my character. Literally give me 20.


Edit: Well took me about 3 hours but character is done. 

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i guess 4 of us is a healthy number. Maybe 5 will suffice

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Likely a college student; I don't like playing characters who are better than everyone else.

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I mean as in a bio. For everyone to know about you rather then just jumping at random.

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Right (though I do think it's best to learn the most about a character through roleplaying itself), but I don't want to settle on playing a character if she doesn't want any more players or the like.

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A bio would be better mate. Just the basic outline plus some back story and maybe some info on personality.

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