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Please post ponysonas and MLP OCs here


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Alright, I know some of you sent me your OCs before or even posted their profile in the pony topic, but I need them all in one place. I'm ready to start my SFO MLP picture. However, this topic has specific conditions, so I'm going to quickly run over the rules first.


1. No MLP discussion here, please use the topic DZ made for you all. :mrgreen:

2. Please post your profile only once with the framework I'll provide at the bottom. :-)

3. If your pony has super complicated clothing, please simple it down to one representative thing. I don't have unlimited time to work on this, you are bronies and you are many, and the simpler this is, the less you guys will have to wait; and I'm not exactly a high quality artist so please just work with me on this. :hehe:

4. I can ask and receive questions related to this art project here. :???:

5. I may post WIPs here. :cool:

6. To make a good group picture, I will put every character together in the most SFO representative way. :orly:

7. This topic will be locked after the project is finished. :cop:

8. If you give me any poop over this I'll draw your pony as a double-ended butt horse. :yes:



Here's the form I'd like you to copy and paste then fill in with your OC:




Earth, pegasus or unicorn:

Body colour:

Mane and tail colour:

Cutie mark:

Additional details: (please use this section to tell me if your pony has anything specific e.g. a chunk out its ear, a scar, pointy teeth, etc.)


One OC/ponysona per person, and if you have reference pics that's just fantastic, please post them below your info form. :-)

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draw me as a double-ended butt horse


you could say i have a butt for a face


dras will get it

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draw me as a double-ended butt horse


you could say i have a butt for a face


dras will get it


Only if I can shape your cheeks like a finely chiseled and handsome jawline.

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This is the ponysona Ellie made for me, though one thing I would like to have changed about it is a silver streak in the hair, or in this case, mane, since that's my favourite physical characteristic I have about myself.

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Only if I can shape your cheeks like a finely chiseled and handsome jawline.


i'd expect nothing less

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draw me as a double-ended butt horse


you could say i have a butt for a face


dras will get it


"Look at that Abu, it's not everyday you see a horse with two rear ends."


To be slightly more serious here, wouldn't this place be a bad spot for this? Disregarding the fact that DZ is a known anti-brony, the picture house was made for the magic moving pictures with sound instead of still pictures. Wouldn't the artsy area be a better location?

The Pony topic is also a better area.

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Don't have any and I'm partial to the show so....










.... surprise me?

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"Look at that Abu, it's not everyday you see a horse with two rear ends."


To be slightly more serious here, wouldn't this place be a bad spot for this? Disregarding the fact that DZ is a known anti-brony, the picture house was made for the magic moving pictures with sound instead of still pictures. Wouldn't the artsy area be a better location?

The Pony topic is also a better area.


I've already run this past the staff, DZ doesn't like ponies, sure, but I'm certain he's not against something as simple as an art project.


Also my logic behind posting this here was because the bronies dwell here and I already have an art topic. This is a community project, not just an art project, that I'm welcoming you guys into. Also the pony topic is a bad idea - I already said I'm not using it because I need access to all profiles and there's just too much activity in there for me to keep up with.


But I see your point, I'll try and leave a link to this here so that everyone has a chance to participate. I'd hate to draw this all out and someone's missed their chance. :(


Also Harlow, try to think up an OC or something! :D


Edit: I'm going to clean up this topic on a regular basis because I really just want profiles for the sake of my sanity while drawing. xD

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I've already run this past the staff, DZ doesn't like ponies, sure, but I'm certain he's not against something as simple as an art project.


Also my logic behind posting this here was because the bronies dwell here and I already have an art topic. This is a community project, not just an art project, that I'm welcoming you guys into. Also the pony topic is a bad idea - I already said I'm not using it because I need access to all profiles and there's just too much activity in there for me to keep up with.


Also Harlow, try to think up an OC or something! :D




As for OC, I never really thought of one.

I lied. I did but I usually get bored of thinking of one. I think I'll try later.

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I already talked to you about my OC and most of the needed details are still on the PM. 

Unless there's any other questions about mine ... yeah, Can't wait.

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Xidphel, yeah get your thinking hat on because I'd love to have you included!


High, can I maybe post it here as well? I just need everything in once place, that's the purpose of this topic, I need organization or I'll just brainfart. Or do you want it kept private?

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Creator: Me (If we're going by his particular canon, then it would be Zero-Two, as he is a Dark Matter creation)


Name: Gestalt


Earth, pegasus or unicorn: Pegasus


Body colour: White


Mane and tail colour: Blood red


Cutie mark: A number of black spikes in a circular pattern


Additional details: The front section of his body is dotted with 12 or so eyes in addition to the two on his head. His tail and mane are also generally a lot longer than the average ponies, as he has been without the ability to manage it for quite some time.


Picture: http://puu.sh/6NBES.jpg


P.S. Don't let Lord Shen fool you into thinking that he was the brains behind this one. I made this pony and got someone else to draw the image, he was not responsible for these things!

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I've got a ponysoma here (it's the green one) but I want to tweak him a bit, I'm working on it so yeah, a little patience. BTW Redeemer, my pony has a saddle for clothing, is that element too hard to draw or can I keep it?

EDIT : Ok, here's the tweaked version of my ponysoma, now called Pastel Twist :

His mane forms a twist/spiral around his horn, I tried to show that on the drawing. And the question about the saddle still holds.

Edited by Ala1n-J
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High, can I maybe post it here as well? I just need everything in once place, that's the purpose of this topic, I need organization or I'll just brainfart. Or do you want it kept private?

PRIVATE?!?! What is this word?

Give me like idunno. Time to get everything posted.

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Here's my OC

Creator : Arashikage

Name: Starshell

Earth, pegasus or unicorn: Pegasus

Body colour: Orange

Mane and tail colour: Red with yellow highlights(You can surprise me with how the highlights are done, I haven't gotten a picture that I'm completely happy with yet)

Cutie mark: Inksplat

Additional details: She's a very cynical pony, but that's what she gets for working with comedians all the time.  Being a talent agent, she books a lot of shows, and puts up with all their bull.  I like to picture her rolling her eyes at Fedora's OC, Foolin, when he tells a joke and starts laughing.  That bit is up to you, I'm not gonna get all "She does these facial expressions" or anything, I haven't written her enough to have fleshed her out a whole lot.  But I would definitely like in on this.

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I find it amusing that almost everyone who has posted a profile so far have been pegasi, save for Ala1n, and about to be myself.


Creator: Sarita :D

Name: Canvas Grace (I came up with that just now it sucks pretty hard name WIP :B)

Earth, pegasus or unicorn: Unicorn.

Body colour: Off-white

Mane and tail colour: Any color that floats your boat, with a brunette stripe somewhere in it (seriously whatevs she changes her hair a lot)

Cutie mark: Blank canvas

Additional details: She has a half-apron she keeps paints and stuff in, and she has red glasses


Tadaaa, you can tell I've given this a lot of thought /sarcasm

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Might as well my hat (Myself?) in the ring.


Name: Foolin’ 
Gender: Stallion 
Race: Earth Pony 
Appearance: He has a Green Coat with Black Mane and Tail and Brown Eyes. While performing, he wears a pinstripe vest and black fedora. (Ya don't have to draw this if you don't want to or if it makes the picture harder than it has to be. Ponies don't normally wear clothing anywho)
Cutie Mark: Joker Card

Here's a link to a pic made with the OC Ponymaker and a bit of Photoshop. I woulda drawn it, but I think I save everyone involved from eyestrain if I just don't draw.


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I have no idea what I'm doing or getting myself into...


Creator: Duh.

Name: Globe Trotter

Earth, pegasus or unicorn: Unicorn because of magic

Body colour: Brass

Mane and tail colour: Dark Blue, long.

Cutie mark: Globe (With dark blue or white colored oceans)

Additional details: leather jacket (dunno how those could work) in the pony thing. Goatee same color as mane/tail.

Edited by Harlow
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If you don't post your profile I'll just assume this is your OC and draw you just as. :troll:


Also, Dublin, I can't see the picture on your dA account, it's not loading? Can you just fill in the form I wrote out and just post the picture here? SAI is demanding on my laptop and I don't want too many tabs open, I'll only have SFO open while I'm drawing.


Also Ala1n, the saddle is fine. I really just mean fancy clothing, like one time I drew an OC as a competition prize and he was wearing like, frilly clothing from Georgian times and although I had fun doing it, it took forever. xD


I edited my post before you replied and I took your advice and moved the topic! Post your OC if you have one. :D

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Also, Dublin, I can't see the picture on your dA account, it's not loading? Can you just fill in the form I wrote out and just post the picture here? SAI is demanding on my laptop and I don't want too many tabs open, I'll only have SFO open while I'm drawing.


I resized it as best as i could. Let me know if there are still any problems viewing it.



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I resized it as best as i could. Let me know if there are still any problems viewing it.




Thanks! I'll just post this here for my own browser sake when drawing, if that's okay. xD



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I have no idea what I'm doing or getting myself into...


Creator: Duh.

Name: Travel Trotter

Earth, pegasus or unicorn: Unicorn because of magic

Body colour: Brass

Mane and tail colour: Dark Blue, long.

Cutie mark: Globe (With dark blue or white colored oceans)

Additional details: leather jacket (dunno how those could work) in the pony thing.


Not bad considering you have no idea what you're getting into.  :-)

I woulda gone with "Globe Trotter" as a name myself seeing as it's an actual term that fits nicely with a pony name.

Still, good job,

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Not bad considering you have no idea what you're getting into.  :-)

I woulda gone with "Globe Trotter" as a name myself seeing as it's an actual term that fits nicely with a pony name.

Still, good job,






...Why do I feel like I'm being harshly judged by society all of the sudden?

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