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Survival in Jurassic Park

Guest DRL

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Guest Mr. Mario

"Just wanna say, Norman," Ris began with a light smirk, "you're just an 'agent' now.  Forget about the secret part."

"Don't tell me, what to do." Norman growled. "This is none of your busneiss."

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"I'm just sayin', once you tell people it's not a secret anymore." he replied with a casual shrug.

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Guest Mr. Mario

"I'm just sayin', once you tell people it's not a secret anymore." he replied with a casual shrug.

"Saying or not saying, I don't give a sh*t on what you say. You aren't my boss." Norman said, not wanting to talk anymore...

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Ris simply smirked, turning his attention away from Norman.  He didn't really care for the fox anyway--not because he was cruel, but because he had no connections with him.  He knew nothing of Norman other than the fact that he didn't care to give away his secret profession and he complained about the island's security.

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"Saying or not saying, I don't give a sh*t on what you say. You aren't my boss." Norman said, not wanting to talk anymore...

"Ok ok, theres no need to get defensive..."  Sarah chuckled seeing his reaction

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"Take it easy there man, I'm only a secret agent. Besides, not ALL lawyers win every case you know. Have you even watch Order & Law?" Norman said. (Law & Order reference)

'Lawyers and goverment inspectors...

What is the difference? I hope this

young man better be neither of them...'

Hammond thought, then he stood up.

"Please, calm down. We have a few minutes

more, so if you have something to ask,

- whatever it is - please ask it now. Tomorrow

we will be busy on the guided tour."

He said, then sat down again.

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Ris again raised his hand so Hammond's attention would fall on him, though he didn't wait to be called on before speaking.  "Sorry if you already explained this, but where're we staying for the night?"

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Ris again raised his hand so Hammond's attention would fall on him, though he didn't wait to be called on before speaking.  "Sorry if you already explained this, but where're we staying for the night?"

"No worries... You will be staying

on the quarters we will provide you.

You can have as many roommates as

you want, or you can have none if so

you want. From the restaurant to the

left. This is, as soon as you leave this

room, to your right." Explained Hammond.

"Well, I suppose everyone's questions have

been aswered. If not, I hope tomorrow's tour

does soo. Now, have a good night. I have

to disscuss a few financial details with my

friend the scary laywer, but you are free to go.

Have a good night everyone." He made a slight

bow and sat back.

Dr. Ian Malcolm and Dr. Grant left, waving

Hammond bye.

"See you tomorrow?" Said the spy to Arashikage.

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Gearhart silently got up and entered on of the rooms to stay in. He did not care if people wanted to be in the same room as him, but with the way this "Vacation" was turning out, he didn't want to go out of his way to get a roommate.

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Sarah Simply Gave a polite Nod as the 2 walked past her out of the Room...

'Roomates huh? Heh, Lets just hope there's more then one bed in each room.' She thought with a smile on her face as she Rolled her eyes.

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Ris made no effort to leave his seat.  He didn't care which room he was put in, and he knew he'd be alone anyway--exactly how he wanted it.  Why bother getting up and getting in everyone's way?  Rather, the fox planned to just wait until he was one of the last to choose which room to stay in, for now clasping his hands behind his head and closing his eyes.

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The Twins didn't attend the meeting, but they heard everything outside the doors. Then they set out to find a vacant, comfortable room to 'sleep' in.

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The night passes, everyone sleep

in their rooms save for the night-turn

staff - some of which had already started

working a few hours ago, when most

went to the meeting.

At 10:20 AM, the loudspeakers announce the

tour that will take place at 12:00 PM.

John Hammond was already prepared to act

as guide; on the other hand, both Dr. Grant

and Dr. Malcolm had gone to the lobby, waiting

for the tour to start.

Deckér was still sleep. Meanwhile, Interlocke

was just making sure she was ready for

such trip. There was not much to get ready for,

or so she thought, but still.

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Falco was already awake, having decided to go on a stroll through the Visitor's center when it had opened up for the day. most of the information he read was of some interest seeing as to how this planet had similar forms of life to what was observed on Sauria, back home in Lylat, and how some form of a meteor had killed them off.

..sure hope that doesn't happen in any way to them. two people I know of would be nearly devastated by the loss.. Falco thought, while stepping out through the main doors at around some half hour after the announcement of when the tour would commence - 1200.  he still had a little time to kill, but he wouldn't mind the short wait.

(@DRL: please read This topic. Thanks!)

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Gearhart got up and yawned. He wiped his dry eyes with care, as to not aggravate them. He went to the bathroom, and took a quick shower. Now more relaxed, he threw on a new pair of clothes, and waited for the tour to begin.

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Guest Mr. Mario

Norman sighed, looking around for a bit and thought about the times he and his 'Double-agent' were working together to stop a master criminal...

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Sarah Simply Gave a polite Nod as the 2 walked past her out of the Room...

'Roomates huh? Heh, Lets just hope there's more then one bed in each room.' She thought with a smile on her face as she Rolled her eyes.

Tala shook he head as she came back to reality "hey where is everyone?"
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The Twins seemed tired as they walked slowly and lumpily towards the lobby.

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Sarah was Sleeping comfortably In One of the Beds In her Shared room Room, until the Digital clock on her nightstand hit 10:30 and its alarm went off woke her up from it... Slowly opening her eye's and sitting up, She reached over to the clock and pressed the power button to end the annoying sound from it...

Looking over to her right It seemed Tala was still asleep... So without trying to make to much noise She got up from the bedset and stretched her arms out...

She was about to head out the Door to use a restroom when a chill Reminded her she was still in her undergarments...

Walking back she knelt down and pulled out her suitcase from under the bed and dropped it onto her mattress, unzipping and opening it she started looking through its contents for something suitable to wear during the tour...

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Guest Mr. Mario

After staying up of doing nothing, Norman decided to head back into his room to get some sleep before he yawned out of control...

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Slippy slowly stirred.  He had fallen asleep at the dining table, and hobbled over to a corner, where he collapsed and began to loudly snore.

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