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Sluggsnipa used shock!


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Ok,due to the unpopularity of my last Non-StarFox Works thread I decided to create a new one...

I made some Pokemon trainer sprites,They were made with Paint and I got the

base for them at some website calleed YFrog (???). These creations crawled into

existence because I commanded them to manifest themselves in digital form. I made

these sprites for 2 reasons: I was bored,and I'm thinking about making them for

a Fan-Made Pokemon game that expands on the Pokemon universe that's under my knowledge.

Yep,I dropped a bomb...FAN GAME. But if I were you,I wouldn't be begging for it right now

because I'm still in the R&D phase. This game sheds light on a darker pokemon Unieverse that has not been

seen by mortal eyes,I want to dwell on the Universe that surrounds some of the characters

that we consider "Bad" or "Evil". I was inspired by the "Gary Oak/Raticate" theory and I want

to expose our so-called "Heroes" and show their strengths and weaknesses. The game does not center

around Ash or Oak,but they will be in the game,I assure you. The game will center around the

characters I created,the sprites you are about to see. The game will feature Poke-Battles

however,the storyline will be the main focus. If you're nice enough,I might let you test the beta.

I'll tell you when it's playable and then you can "Sign Up" for it,but you will hve to get through me

before you even TOUCH IT.

FeedBack for sprites is appreciated.

But,Without further ado,I give you my Pokemon characters.


Sheet 1:

Diego W. Slugga.Protaganist

Me,essentially,minus the glasses.

Varied Type Trainer

Sheet 2:

Avo Lazul.Main Character

Bold,well spoken,abrubt,rude.

Water Type Trainer

Sheet 3:

Katy Ireza.Main Character

Head Strong,Sensitive,nuturing. Gets pissed off easily.

Dragon Type Trainer

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