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Alright, How Do RPs Work Here?

Gene Inari

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Simple question; I'm wondering how we do RPs on this forum.

I've read the rules in the thread, and I'm by no means new to the workings of RP, but you guys aren't kidding when you say "tightly regulated." I'm just making this topic to ask a few question I have before I dive in and make an idiot of myself and perhaps clarify some things as well.

1. Who RPs here? I want to get a good feeling on the numbers we have here. Who will RP anything they see; or if only it piques their interest; or is requested to do so?

2. I've noticed that most of the RPs here take vaguely in SF canon. Is that some sort of unwritten rule or just everybody staying within some kind of comfort zone?

3. Clarification of Rule #8 and the process of how RPs get support and are approved. Do I simply make a thread about my RP in the Request section, see if people are interested, then PM it up to the mods for approval?

I'm making this thread just to make sure of a few things and for the benefit of any other RPers that are intimidated by this huge wall of rules and red tape. I can only wonder what down in this section of the forum, way back when, to turn it into what it is now.

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Simple question; I'm wondering how we do RPs on this forum.

I've read the rules in the thread, and I'm by no means new to the workings of RP, but you guys aren't kidding when you say "tightly regulated." I'm just making this topic to ask a few question I have before I dive in and make an idiot of myself and perhaps clarify some things as well.

1. Who RPs here? I want to get a good feeling on the numbers we have here. Who will RP anything they see; or if only it piques their interest; or is requested to do so?

2. I've noticed that most of the RPs here take vaguely in SF canon. Is that some sort of unwritten rule or just everybody staying within some kind of comfort zone?

3. Clarification of Rule #8 and the process of how RPs get support and are approved. Do I simply make a thread about my RP in the Request section, see if people are interested, then PM it up to the mods for approval?

I'm making this thread just to make sure of a few things and for the benefit of any other RPers that are intimidated by this huge wall of rules and red tape. I can only wonder what down in this section of the forum, way back when, to turn it into what it is now.

1. I RP and many other memebers do,I can assure you,but it's hard to get an RP out of the request section unless you have a good idea or you're recognized here.

2.Sista,it can be any RP idea that you want,but most RP's are centered around StarFox because most like to stay within this imaginary "Comfort Zone"

I can start a My Little Pony RP and no one would lock the thread or ban me,in fact,people might actually join.

3.Yep,but I'm not too sure about PM'ing the mods part...

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1. Who RPs here? I want to get a good feeling on the numbers we have here. Who will RP anything they see; or if only it piques their interest; or is requested to do so?

Quite a few people used to RP around here, though the section has seen its better days. I usually RP when something seems interesting :P

2. I've noticed that most of the RPs here take vaguely in SF canon. Is that some sort of unwritten rule or just everybody staying within some kind of comfort zone?

Everyone seems to be taking their comfort zone with this one; though it seems like an unwritten rule since this site predominantly concerns itself with StarFox.

3. Clarification of Rule #8 and the process of how RPs get support and are approved. Do I simply make a thread about my RP in the Request section, see if people are interested, then PM it up to the mods for approval?

Yes, all you really have to do is put your thread up in the RP request section, see if it garners interest, and either PM a mod or one may pass by on occasion ^_^

I'm making this thread just to make sure of a few things and for the benefit of any other RPers that are intimidated by this huge wall of rules and red tape. I can only wonder what down in this section of the forum, way back when, to turn it into what it is now.

Trust me on this one; it's too long of a story to relate in one page :lol:

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1. Who RPs here? I want to get a good feeling on the numbers we have here. Who will RP anything they see; or if only it piques their interest; or is requested to do so?

2. I've noticed that most of the RPs here take vaguely in SF canon. Is that some sort of unwritten rule or just everybody staying within some kind of comfort zone?

3. Clarification of Rule #8 and the process of how RPs get support and are approved. Do I simply make a thread about my RP in the Request section, see if people are interested, then PM it up to the mods for approval?

I'm making this thread just to make sure of a few things and for the benefit of any other RPers that are intimidated by this huge wall of rules and red tape. I can only wonder what down in this section of the forum, way back when, to turn it into what it is now.

1. A few people do, but almost all of them are picky. It's slowed down recently since a lot of the better ones died or were stopped by the creator.

2. Unwritten rule. It generally goes that unless it's a smaller, more contained RP, using the main cast as anything other than NPCs is a no no because a lot of people can't get the characters right, or people will fight over positions and whatnot. Thus we stick to OCs and rps taking place in lylat rather than centered around Star Fox itself. This can be bent, though.

3. You make an RP idea in the requests, 1 of the 3 mods will look through and approve based on support and whether or not the idea is good or dime a dozen slot waster endless lounge RP things. I could rant on this a bit, but I'll spare the drama for once.

As for what went down, I happened.

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The others pretty much got it covered, actually.

I plan on starting a new RP, since most of the people participating in the one I needed to postpone Kiiiiiiiinda left. I mean, I don't even see Rob [Monroe] anymore really.

But as to this,

2. I've noticed that most of the RPs here take vaguely in SF canon. Is that some sort of unwritten rule or just everybody staying within some kind of comfort zone?

Lol, my Rp's/ideas are never tightly knitted with SF at all, and I try to avoid letting the SF cast into it. Unless I wanna make an RP where I am partially making my own sorta StarFox story line, I'll usually never run a game involving SF/SF canon material.

Also, as Crazy said, if something seems to peak my interest, I'll jump into it, but other than that, not really RPing everywhere, because then it will seem like a chore to RP.

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Q: How do RP's work here?

A: Not very well.

That stupid joke aside, I'll answer your other questions.

1. A few. And none really active.

2. We encourage creators to mostly stay in the SF universe, thought exceptions can be made. Keep in mind this is first and foremost a SF site. If there is any common interest that should spur players into RP'ing, it's exactly that.

3. Simple. Create a RP request that'll pique peoples interest. Often, one of the RP moderators will pop by and approve it when it seems to have strong enough support to stand on its own feet. If however it's overlooked, despite being ready for launch, plese PM one of the RP mods.

As for the RP boards grim past. Numerous times in the last couple of years, it's been plagued by various problems. Players roleplaying outside the section, forming cliques to shut people out, godmodding etc. etc.

As a response, it's been closed several times, heads have rolled, and rules been rewritten. The problems seems to have come to an end now, and the only thing the board is now plagued with is inactivety. Which is why we heartily welcome new players, such as you.

Welcome to the RP board Gene Inari. I hope to see you around, a lot.

Have fun.

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Yeah. I think my questions have been thoroughly answered, Thanks guys! :D

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Holy damn, its a Gene! Sup dawg.

Anyway yeah, pretty much everyone's said what they're gonna say. We have a decent RP board, only problem is a lack of truly good RPs to get involved in.

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Holy damn, its a Gene! Sup dawg.

...We have a decent RP board, only problem is a lack of truly good RPs to get involved in.


And I plan on changing that.

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