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No Online Play for 64 3D

Star Fox Runner

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We've known this for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time.

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Well, it wasn't official yet really, but now it is :(

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Well, it wasn't official yet really, but now it is :(

The game's been 100% finished for quite while, and I heard the offical news a month or two ago.

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The game's been 100% finished for quite while, and I heard the official news a month or two ago.

Official word from Nintendo Broke today during a retail event in Japan, according to official sources. It has always been rumored though, but never confirmed.

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I was just thinking about that...I knew that DZ said that, so I figured it was true. But now see its no joke or false information. It's to bad. :(

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pinkiepiemfw.jpg > MFW

This news has filled me with much sadness.

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:facepalm: just another reason i should post pon its purchase, i'll play it when my rich niegbor buys it

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You all act as if Starfox 64's multiplayer was actually good and balanced. It was primarily mindless fun.

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You all act as if Starfox 64's multiplayer was actually good and balanced. It was primarily mindless fun.

Sometimes mindless fun is all you need in a game. That's why it's shame, especially since we can't play against other forum members.

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Well.........this sucks. I just hope that it will have local multiplayer though. It better.

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It will have local multiplayer, Dublinfox. I read that in the same article I read it was confirmed to not have online.

Yeah, that's really annoying. Come ON. 3DS is practically built for Internet things and they can't even put online for SF643D… :(

And the multiplayer was a bit crappy but don't you think Nintendo will be fixing it up a bit, guys? ;)

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well ,what use is local play? i don't live any where near some who will buy it


Well, it supports download play, so the other guy won't need the cartridge to play it.

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I'll be focusing on the absolute epicness of the single player, so...

I don't mind.

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Hey, that's mainly what Starfox 64 was. Single player. Although I did enjoy VS. mode, it was kinda wimpy. You didn't get to do much in it anyway. I thought it would be a lot more fun to do 4 player via WiFi, but Nintendo shot that idea down. I don't really have any friends, so WiFi would be my only way of playing multiplayer, and they ruined it. So I guess I'll just forget it unless someone in this house decides to get a 3DS which I doubt they would. :violin:

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Sorry about dredging this topic. But there is now a sort of commercial regarding the multiplayer bit. Its kind of funny:


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The whole fact that they had the camera thingy seeing eachother's faces and all is telling me that they planned online, but somewhere along the line it got derailed and shot into the sun. Seriously, id love to play it online, id throw more of my money at them if theyd allow it, sadly however, be it laziness or a lack of interest (stars forbid), there isnt any online play.

Seriously though, what is the point? If you wanted to see the face of the asshat that just killed you, what most people do in these situations anyway is just look up at them. Is the entire single movement of one's neck so scary we now can just bypass it with a bandwidth hogging, laggy, screen covering facial bust?

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I saw that commercial last night. I loved it.

"CLOAKING DEVICE! Where am I? Where am I? You can't see me! You can't see me!"

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