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  • Hiroshi Yamauchi Dead at 85

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    It's a sad day in the world of Nintendo. Hiroshi Yamauchi, the man who brought Nintendo from being a humble playing card maker to one of the greatest names in video games, has died at the age of 85 from pneumonia in a Japanese hospital.

    Hiroshi Yamauchi was the last of the Yamauchi family to run the company, the company leadership being in the family since the company's founding in September of 1889.

    Most of Nintendo's big name franchises were created under his reign. Mario, Zelda, Star Fox, Metroid, Donkey Kong, F-Zero, the list goes on of great Nintendo properties created in the Yamauchi era, many of them by Shigeru Miyamoto.

    Sayonara, Yamauchi-san. You made Nintendo what it is and us fans are forever grateful.

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    what will happened to nintendo now since he passed away ? );

    Other than a change of major shareholders, nothing. More than likely his shares were transferred to his three children. I do not know if his shares constituted a controlling interest, so I cannot say if it is possible for his heirs to oust the board (which I'm sure some of Nintendo's investors would like given recent stock performance). Regardless, I highly doubt a major board shakeup is going to happen.

    Yamauchi left Nintendo as CEO in 2002, and was succeeded by Satoru Iwata, so there will be no change to day-to-day operations unless a serious board shakeup happens, which as I said earlier is unlikely.

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