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This day, February 17th, is a very important day to me. Why, you ask? Because it is Ryougi Shiki's birthday. In honor of this fact, I am rewatching the entirety of Kara no Kyoukai (also known as the greatest anime ever produced and if you disagree you're wrong) as she is the main character of said anime.


Basically what I'm trying to say here is I hadn't forgotten how good KnK is, but I had forgotten just how fucking good it is and if you haven't watched it then now's as good a time as any. It's 7 movies, an epilogue, a side-movie, and then a 30 minute side story for that movie. It's also animated by ufotable, same studio as Fate/Zero and the new Fate/Stay Night, with a Yuki Kajiura soundtrack and even set in the same multiverse as the Fate/ stories. Basically imagine all the technical goodness of Fate/Zero, subtract the superhumans having earthshattering fights, and substitute them for a few good fights between not quite superhumans and a looooot of great character development.


So yeah, just wanted to take a timeout after movie 3 to go share the good word for anyone who's not seen or heard of this fucking masterpiece. Now back to my marathon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wasn't sure if I should make a topic, so I'm just gonna ask in here.


Anyone here a fan of RWBY?

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I watched the first season a while back. I had my fair share of beefs with it (like the inconsistent as fuck episode lengths goddamn. make them short, make them long, don't make them EVERY LENGTH) but it was enjoyable.


Also don't worry RWBY is anime enough to be anime, just like Airbender/Korra. This topic's fine.

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Xort, you should watch the second season. The episodes are much more consistent in length, though this meant there were less episodes. Also, I felt the pacing improved tremendously in season 2. I wonder if there will be a season 3 though...

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Yeah, I've been meaning to watch S2 of course, but my current "to-watch" list is like 500+ shows sooooo I'll get to it eventually

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It's all condensed down to a single Vol on Netflix now (both 1 and 2) so it's muchhh easier to watch all the way through

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I'm going to go ahead and copy-paste from the "What are you currently playing" topic because it applies to the anime topic as well.


Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;birth1


Honestly, this game is such that if someone walked in on you playing it, you'd quickly switch to porn because it's just easier and less awkward to explain. But I'll try to explain it. It is the Console Wars animoe-ified the JRPG, the Visual Novel. The game is nothing but tongue-in-cheek prods at anime and gaming, and also it is waifu dress up. Case in point, there's an accessory for one of the characters literally called "Mai Waifu" and one of the combo attacks the character has is called "Desu! Desu! Desu!" which she, of course, says while doing it, and just in general (like every few words of hers in Japanese is desu). But it is not a bad game, quite the opposite, the gameplay is fun, the characters are actually good (not counting the DLC characters who don't interact with anything and are just party filler, but that being said the one that's lolita in normal form but then turns into the battle-thong clad yandere BDSM master in HDD mode cracks me up), and fall into a bunch of typical anime and gaming tropes. Also, four of the main characters are based on gaming consoles, you have Neptune/Lady Purple Heart, CPU of Planeptune based, on Sega Neptune, Noire/Lady Black Heart,CPU of Lastation, based on the Playstation, Vert/Lady Green Heart, CPU of Leanbox, based on Xbox, and Blanc/Lady White Heart, CPU of Lowee, for the Wii. Other characters also are console/game references, like the DLC one I mentioned before, Plutia/Lady Iris being a combination of Sega Pluto and Sega Mega Drive.


Anyways, the story is a little nonsensical at times, but not in a bad way, it's just what happens with all the fourth wall breaking and references, but the cutscenes play in visual novel style, but unlike a lot the characters are actually animated in them, though usually only so far as to be breathing or blinking, but still, little details make a world of difference, though I can't help but feel the breathing is more to get their chests to move. But anyways, combat, interesting, characters, good, animation, good, story, acceptable, music, catchy, humour, right up my alley, and that is to say that it's rather...




Which I love the Japanese dirty humour. HAVE SOME SCREEN CAPS OF DIALOGUE!










It may not be that funny, if at all, in screenshot form but fuck it, each of these scenes made me giggle like an idiot. And if you think the joke may be... naughty, it is.


My biggest complaint for this game is just that the Xbox character is too likable, and that's just because I hate Xbox. But she uses a spear and there's a scene where she goes all... this, with the other characters:




Like if y'all like anime you'll probably love the references in this game. Just make sure to set the voices to Japanese because the English voice acting is terribad. Improper use and conveyance of emotion abound. But other than that, not five minutes into the game and you got a Kill la Kill reference.


But apparently, this was turned into an anime and I am now interesting in checking it out.

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Or in other words, yo I just finished watching the first season of Hajime no Ippo and god damn is it amazing. It had been recommended to me by people I knew to have good taste, and it was produced by Madhouse, so I knew it was gonna be good. What I didn't know was that it was gonna be fucking amazing.


The show's about boxing. I've never really stepped into the sports genre of anime or manga because it never really appealed to me, but this one had a good enough pedigree for me to give it a chance and it has made one hell of a good impression. It's near 15 years old and still had better action than some "action" anime I've seen in recent years, but that's not all. Nearly every opponent Ippo faces is a character, instead of being just "musclebound man A". Some of his earlier debut matches are with forgettable throwaway characters, but there's only two or three of those and very quickly, the show starts introducing opponents with episodes dedicated to their own backstories and motivations and sometimes I actually rooted for the other guy. The whole cast is really colorful and likable.


Also, the music is really great. It's not always noticeable, but when it is it's usually either because they're playing the track that was clearly based off of the Rocky music, or because they're starting to play the rough, garage-band sorta rock they have so much of. Like, the kind that seriously just sounds like a couple of guys came into the studio with guitars and rocked out for a while and wound up getting used for the scenes. It's really cool, and a welcome change of pace from the type of OSTs I usually enjoy hearing.


And the best part?


There's two more movies - also about the same age as season 1 - and then two more seasons. One from 2009, meaning a more experienced Madhouse producing the show, and then one from last fucking year. I have very high hopes that the animation and the fights are gonna improve drastically, considering how well the fights were done in HxH 2011 by the same studio.


So yeah, there's my anime-sploogefest of the month. Go watch Ippo, nerds. It's not quite in my top 5 (yet) but it's a top 10 for sure.

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So while playing Elite: Dangerous I rewatched Outlaw Star again but then I ran out of episodes and now...



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  • 1 month later...



Monster Musune no Iru Nichijou  is getting an anime adaption slated for June's release and I watched the promo trailer for it which I totally can't link here for being NSFW with the chesticles, but bloody hell each scene they promo'd seemed to be 1/1 for the manga, same poses, perspectives, things happening, explosions, everything. Even better is I can stand the Japanese voices quite well since the men don't sound like pre-pubescent girls and the women don't sound like dolphins that got into some helium, which is good for me if they fuck up the dub voices/dialogue (please dear Lord do not hire the people that rewrote the English version of the manga because it was nonstop dad level puns. NON. STOP.).


As much as I loved Centorea in it I am most excited to see Miss Smith with her ability to deliver one line and steal the entire scene and her ability to be as clutzy, lazy, and incompetent as can be in one scene and positively efficient and ruthless in another when it really counts.


I await patiently vMbsWXF.gif

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I rewatched Outlaw Star a few months ago too! Goddamn its good fun.


Also just finished rewatching Cowboy Bebop and HGNNNNNNN.

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Also just finished rewatching Cowboy Bebop and HGNNNNNNN.



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fuk u vydrach i aint carrying this weight


/sits in the "Spike Lives" camp

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I love Madoka Magica! It is rather dark for a magical girl anime, it has death, tragedy, and an AMAZING storyline! :D My favorite character was definitely Mami, I just loved her fighting style!  

It is a shame they killed her off...


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I'd recommend you edit your post to put that very spoilery bit in spoiler tags for the sake of people who might not have seen the series yet. It's an old-ish show now, yeah, but some people still may not know and it's always nice to be considerate when dealing with spoilers

But yeah, Madoka's great. I wouldn't even call it a magical girl anime. It's more just got a magical girl paint job, really.

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Kay so I'm gonna double post like I often do in this topic because I have new shit to talk about since I last posted.

So okay, Makoto Shinkai. You may know him. Even if you don't know the name, you're probably familiar in passing. Everyone REALLY sucks his dick. He's been called "The New Miyazaki" by some folks, though even he says that's totally not true. Most people know him from 5 Centimeters per Second and Garden of Words, two of his more recent flicks which are praised (rightfully so) for their fucking gorgeous art and animation and (less deservingly, in my opinion) for being good, touching stories.

I think they're boring. They're too long, they drag on and on, they wear out their welcome fast, and I don't like 'em.

So, what's the solution? Watch Voices of a Distant Star, a movie he made 12 years ago, entirely on his own on his fuckin Mac, which is only 25 minutes long instead of 63 (5 Centimeters) or 46 (Garden of Words). The art really suffers, mind you, since he's 13 years less experienced and doing the whole goddamn thing by himself, but man does he write a good story when he's not doubling or tripling the length of a regular anime episode.

Since it's only 25 minutes long, it's easy to spoil but it's also a fairly simple story that doesn't have too much in the way of twists so a quick summary will do just fine: two young middle schoolers about to head into high school get separated, with the boy going on to school and the girl getting recruited to go fight aliens in a giant robot in space. On a trip out of the solar system. They keep in touch via text messages, but the further she goes, the longer the messages take to reach each other.

It's fuckin good. Seriously. It's only 25 minutes, and it's on Crunchyroll free, so if y'all want a good, emotional romance, go watch that shit ASAP.

Edited by Vydrach
Watch your words, yo.
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So I watched the two episodes that were released so far of Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou and all I can say is yes. Very much yes. Like, holy fucking shit, yes. This coming from someone who want watch the Parasyte anime, as much as I loved the manga, because they changed the hair colour of the protagonist and gave him glasses (and apparently an underdog role when in the manga he was notable for being incredibly average and that's what made him great, but that's neither here nor there). My two biggest complaints I have for it are that Papi calls Kimihito "Master" instead of "Husband," which makes it weird with Cerea since she calls him "Master" too, and in the manga only two characters had the same nickname for him, Miia calls him "Darling" and so does Smith-san, though she does it specifically to poke fun at the fact that Miia calls him that. The other big issue, they fucked up his wardrobe. None of his shirts say "Ad Space" on the front, and that's just no bueno. Other than that, there's a little change to how he meets Cerea that doesn't change it at all really besides adding a little filler time and explanation about centaurs. There's also no real nudity, in that nipples are covered, unlike the manga. Strange given the youtube promo had nipples. Otherwise, almost 1:1 with the manga except, in all honesty, it's better. The characters just seem much better than the manga, perhaps because the voice acting and body language and all give you a better picture of their personalities and all. I was fuckin' worried they'd ruin Smith-san's character but holy shit they did it perfectly and then some.


Oh yeah, even though it is sans-nipples, still not something you'd want to watch among company where porn'd be awkward, because some of those scenes are so suggestive I've seen porn less pornographic.


But yeah, Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou will easily be my favourite anime if they keep this up, I give it one million papayas out of ten. I eagerly await the DVD release, and inevitable dakimakuras, because fuck it. Not that I would, mind you, you sick bastards.

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  • 2 months later...

You wanna know what one of my all time favorite animes is? Sonic X, without a doubt. I abso-frickin' LOVED IT when I was a little kid of 4 or 5. The first thing me and my brother used to do when we got back from school when we were still living in england was plop our bags down, jump on the sofa and tune into CITV every 5 PM for another brilliant episode.

11 years on, and here I am, rewatching every single episode from all 3 seasons. My love for it has never withered despite all these years. I F*****G LOVE IT TO BITS.

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I like never watch anime, but when I do, I watch Sgt. Frog. It's like a kid's anime, but my gosh it's one of  the funniest shows I've ever seen.

Here's the only clip I could find from the "Space Deputy." There have been far funnier moments from him, but it's the only thing on youtube.

In case you don't get it, the two people he drives by where having a date, and he's all like, "SPACE DEPUTY DATE CRASH! HAHAHAHA! SPACE DEPUTY EXIT!"

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  • 3 weeks later...

You wanna know what one of my all time favorite animes is? Sonic X, without a doubt.


In all seriousness though it was... okay, I guess. Long as you watched the original without 4kids' unholy edits. I just feel like the further the plot moved on the less drive there was to continue the story. Wasn't a total wreckfest but still, eh...

Now, just so I keep relevant.

Started watching Parasyte -the maxim- a week ago. Not a lot but managed to be catching episodes-- maybe I'll wind up starting to watch anime again myself. It's pretty interesting so far. I think I'm at episode 5. Truly not a show for everyone as it can get gory faster than you can say "decapitated". I'm surprised it's actually an old manga that didn't get an adaption until now. The concept itself is cool and definitely they nailed in the OST with pieces like this:

Another thing worth mentioning: It's been a while since I started watching and I actually didn't finish it, but Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood is just real nice to watch. I think I left at when they introduce Lust as a character. It's sure been a feels trip of sorts to this point.

In other news, RWBY Season 3 is currently launching, so I might try that eventually. Episode length consistency or visual quality won't really bother me since I care most for story actually. I also had went up until 450 watching One Piece, until I took a break from anime in general.

I think I also was going to watch a series called Psycho-Pass. Or Tokyo Ghoul. Both I think.

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As far as RWBY's episode length, they've fixed that problem for the most part. S1 was the only one that was bad about it. S2 ranges from 12 to 18 minutes which is pretty acceptable.

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  • 2 months later...

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