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Good News, Everyone!

Guest Julius Quasar

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Sometimes I forget that we have really young members. Meanwhile I'm over here like "god wedding stress give me booze, take me to your leader, alcohol."


Congrats though, having a licence is super freeing.

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Sometimes I forget that we have really young members. Meanwhile I'm over here like "god wedding stress give me booze, take me to your leader, alcohol."


Congrats though, having a licence is super freeing.

Thank you very much! ^_^

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All jokes aside, congrats! The humble automobile works wonders when being applied to the concept of pure American freedom. :P

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I went to a screening of the new Transformers this morning. Awesome movie, but weak ending.

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Well this is actually very old news, but the good news here is that the bulb is no longer over 40 dollars (now lower 30 mid 20)..keep buying led bulbs folks
Brand: Sylvania
Spec: 1100 lumens, 14 watt, instant on (yes not all are instant on, especially the cheap ones)
this baby is heavy though, I wouldn't put her in a rickety fixture. If I read correctly the she is considered "dead" after losing 30% of its lumens. Which is great considering 1100lm was more than enough for me in the first 

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I have a job.


An actual real job. 


They called me in 45 minutes after I applied.


Smooth as fuck G.

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Congrats upon becoming a functioning member of society, Executor! xD

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Congrats upon becoming a functioning member of society, Executor! xD




I am one with you all now.

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 I am one with you all now.


Not quite, you still need to buy 30 dollar light bulbs for the fixtures in your dwelling.

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I've been eating on the Ketogenic Diet for about two months now.

I've lost 20lbs! W00t!

Still about 80lbs to go before my goal weight, but I'm 20% there!

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I've been eating on the Ketogenic Diet for about two months now.

I've lost 20lbs! W00t!

Still about 80lbs to go before my goal weight, but I'm 20% there!

Hey nice ! :)


I've lost ~42 lb since last year, not doing anything special beyond eating less.

Irritable bowel syndrome + drinking soft drinks only on weekends really helped a lot !

I just don't want to eat now, beyond the bare minimum! XD

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Keto is great. Here it is in a nutshell: Don't eat grain or sugar (that includes beer :( ). Eat Bacon. Drink water. Eat bacon. Eat more bacon. Lose weight.

Of course it's a little more complicated than that, you have numbers to watch, but really that's what it boils-down to.

Seriously, all this "FAT IS REALLY BAD FOR YOU" mantra is nonsense and not supported by the current scientific literature.

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Keto is great. Here it is in a nutshell: Don't eat grain or sugar (that includes beer :( ). Eat Bacon. Drink water. Eat bacon. Eat more bacon. Lose weight.

Of course it's a little more complicated than that, you have numbers to watch, but really that's what it boils-down to.

Seriously, all this "FAT IS REALLY BAD FOR YOU" mantra is nonsense and not supported by the current scientific literature.


You're sure it mention eating bacon in the diet ? :P


But really, the only thing that worries me about fat food like bacon is cholesterol, acid reflux, and etc..


And I guess I'm already kinda doing that diet already, but not out of choice XD


I don't tolerate alcohol very well, so no beer. Things with gluten, or a lot of sugar irritate my digestive system, so I avoid them most of the time.

Especially caramel.. I just can't stomach it at all.. Any dairy products as well.. I tend to avoid fruit and vegetables as well given that also doesn't help with the bowels..


My overall eating habits are really lackluster..

But in the end I can't eat much.. And I think anyone I speak of all this to don't take it seriously at all, doctors, etc.. Oh well..

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So here was my day:


-Watched some chickadees on the new birdfeeder

-Fed the squirrel and the magpies

-Noticed the snowshoe hare had a lady hare with him today. They were both sleeping in the yard.

-Heard a pine marten catch a vole beneath the deck and then saw it run away

-Heard the robins freaking out and went outside to find TWO HUGE OWLS. They hooted at me. They actually just go "HOOOO". I didn't know that.

-A bat nearly flew into my face. Twice.


This was all in my yard.


Verdict: I am actually Snow White.

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Which one ? The original, or the reboot ?


The Normal Enemy Unknown, from Steam. I'm going to play Enemy Within soon.

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Ha! I passed my tests! I am going forth into my final scheduled year at collège! :D

EDIT: And to add to that, I've began work on the 2nd episode of my mod I'm doing for Exosyphen Studios!

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  • 2 weeks later...

All right guys sit the fuck down and let me tell you about some crazy ass shit going on with me lately.


Look at this:




Do you know what this beautiful piece of goddamn art is? This is Angelic Pretty's fucking Rose Toilette dress in pink. This elusive badass piece of clothing was released in 2007, and only 2007, making it one of the most vintage, rare and sought-after fucking dresses in the lolita goddamn community. This baby has shirring, corset lacing, detachable fucking waist ties, an original designed print, a fucking lace trim and a goddamn detachable bow. It's got it all, motherfucker. It's adorned with various precious little glass stones and the fabric almost feels like velvet, which is perfect for any bitch-ass princess like me. 


And I now own a perfect one, passed down through 2 owners, making me the third mama to this precious baby. And I'm a proud mama, let me tell you that. Bitches.

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Oh also I found out yesterday that I 100%-ed my final German language exam. :')

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*gasp of hardly contained envy* You bitch!


You still haven't shown me any of your lolita hauls, get on that lady. :c

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*gasp of hardly contained envy* You bitch!


You still haven't shown me any of your lolita hauls, get on that lady. :c



Bae, I'm on it, I'm working on some pics right now as I write this! <3

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I believe I will be getting a job at the college I got to soon...Finally a real job!

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