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Star Fox: The New Era (Season 1 pt. 1)

Geo Stelar

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It was a Friday morning. An alarm clock was ringing on the table, attempting to wake an asleep wolf. Minutes later, Steve opened his eyes. He got up and hurried to turn his alarm off before he can annoy the neighbors. He looked around his room. It was quite messy, with clothes at wrong places, tools scattered around the floor, and some food crumbs were scattered around the floor as well. He decided he'd clean his room.

Minutes later, after cleaning his room, Steve heard a noise in the living room. He went to the living room, only to find that he had left his television open. When he was about to turn it off, a breaking news made him stop. Another attack on Northern Corneria. As he looked closely, he discovered that the attackers were the Twins, Azul and Thunder. He rushed to his phone and called his brother.

"Hey, Stev-"

"Brother, the twins are attacking Northern Corneria!"

"I was about to tell the same thing"

"I'll assemble my team and you-"

"Will assemble my team, yes , I know."

"Ok, then"

"We'll meet at the Central Park Base."


"We'll discuss our strategy there. they might be up to something again."


Steve put down the phone and called his team.

Meanwhile, 200 miles from Steve's home, Landwing called to Max:

"Hey Max, we hae a situation. Bring the sky Charge over at the Central Park Base. Assemble the team and go there together. I'll meet you all there, ok?"

"Roger that."

And, without hesitating, Landwing went off.

(Azul and Thunder's profiles are in my Custom Strfighters topic. If anyone likes to take their role, PM me.)

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Corneria Orbit lightningFox Dropship(specs will be up soon I will need to get a picture)

Kursed just out of the shower walked in front of a mirror in her room dropping the towel she had wrapped around herself, she looked over her well toned bare female Blue furred body paying special notice to her female specific features.  Walking over to her dresser she  grabbed her undergarments, her first layer of clothes blue sports bra and panties, she slowly slipped them on.

Then grabbing her second layer of clothes a dragon skin leotard that would match her fur so perfectly it would be impossible to tell if  she  had scales in the shape of a leotard growing naturally on her or if it was a actual leotard, she slipped it on.

Next  she peered over to her last layer of clothes , a blue  full body flightsuit,  she slipped into the pants and zipped the back up making sure her socks were on before she had slipped into the pants, finally she slipped her legs into her blue boots.

Finished dressing herself she looked in the mirror again,brushing aside a strand of  hair from her eyes she was content with her look. With a nod she walked towards the door of her room  heading into the hallway turned so that she walked to the bridge of the dropship.

In another room a Runt Smoke Persian cat named Akasha alked out of the shower in her room on the Dropship, stepping in front of a mirror she dropped the towel she had wrapped around herself, she looked over her well toned bare small female  furred body paying special notice to her lower body for a second .  Walking over to her dresser she  grabbed her undergarments, her first layer of clothes a sports bra and panties that matched her fur pattern, she slowly slipped them on.

Then grabbing her second layer of clothes a dragon skin leotard that would match her fur so perfectly it would be impossible to tell if  she  had scales in the shape of a leotard growing naturally on her or if it was a actual leotard, she slipped it on.

Next  she peered over to her last layer of clothes , a  full body flightsuit matching her fur pattern like her other clothes,  she slipped into the pants and zipped the back up making sure her socks were on before she had slipped into the pants, finally she slipped her legs into her space boots.

Finished dressing herself she looked in the mirror again,brushing aside a coulple strands of  hair from her eyes , then  brushing her hair until she  was content with her look. With a nod she walked towards the door of her room  heading into the hallway turned so that she walked to the bridge of the dropship to meet Kursed.

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Meanwhile, Steve, who went to the mini-ship carrier just behind his house, he checked that his Assault acer has full power, armaments are well-supplied, he checked for leaks then got on, and the Assault Acer launched into the sky.

He decided he'd patrol his area first before going to the Central park Base. As he was turning round the third block from his house, Robin, in his Drillwing, met him.

"Hey, Steve! I just got your call. FYI, the Central Park Base is on the other way!"

"yeah, I know. I'd figured I need to patrol this area first"

"Well, we've gotta go now"

"You go there first. I'll catch up"

"You sure, man?"


"ok then... just make sure you'll catch up"

Robin turned and left Steve.

(If anyone likes to take Robin's role, PM me. same for the other characters in the story)

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Kursed walked into the bridge and brought up the communcations system of the Shining star she contacted Steve who she'd had contact with before arriving back into  the lylat system.

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Steve looked at Robin after he left. Then, his communication system rang. He looked at it.

It was Kursed.

"What is it?," Steve asked

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"This is Kursed  of the LightingFox mercenaies The Cornerian Defence fleet hired me  Bill Grey himself told me to report to your base I may be a valuble asset to you."Kursed explained.

Akasha walked onto the bridge  she sat in her seat , waiting for Krystal.

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Steve thought for a moment. A mercenary, she said she was.

So, just to make sure, he said:

"How do I make sure that it was Bill Grey who sent you?"

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"What you don't belive that old Katinian dog sent me?"Kursed almost laughed "your funny." "What proof do you want?" She asked.

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Steve, thinking he could find out more about Kursed, replied:

"Hmm. Nevermind that. We'll meet at the Central Park Base. Meet up with the Sky Acers team. They have a mothership, 5 ships, and some members of my team should be there, too. Or, you could join me here, Eastern part of Corneria, 3 blocks from the factory."

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"Which would you prefur?"Kursed asked.

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Steve then contacted Bill Grey

"What is it, Steve?"

"Have you-"

"Oh, before I forget... have you heard from Kursed?"

"Oh, that.. yes.. did you send her to report to me?"

"Yes, yes. I believe she'd be of great help."

"Ok then. I've got to go"

Steve went back to Kursed

"Ok then. I think you should meet up with me here. They might not trust you."

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"I get that alot since I've returned to Lylat." Kursed replied  "I'll have the shinin star  land nearby."She added "see you then.

about a hour later the shooting star (see custom starfighters)  hoverd above the factory Steve was near  Kursed and her small compainion Akasha soon walked out of a  alley way and up to Steave. "We're here."Akasha announced.

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Steve landed near the Shining Star, careful not to damage any property. When he saw the shining star, his jaw dropped.

"Nice ship", he said.

Steve let out his hand to shake.

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Kursed shook Steve's hand. "Pleasure to meet and be working with you sire this is my partner Akasha SHaravan."Krystal said. "The ship is nice I guess ,but I've gotten use to it."

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"Alright then. The twins, Azul and Thunder, are attacking Northern corneria. We'll meet up with my and my brother's teams. Are you all set?"

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"All our equipment is onboard the Shining Star."Krystal replied

"Ready as we'll ever be."Akasha noted.

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"Ok then. Let's go."

As Steve went back to his Assault Acer, somebody was calling him. It was Robin

"Hurry up, man!", Robin shouted abruptly, before Steve could speak.

"Alright, I know, just-"

"No time for waiting! Just come here!"


The Assault Acer launched, followed by the Shining Star.

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"Ok then. Let's go."

As Steve went back to his Assault Acer, somebody was calling him. It was Robin

"Hurry up, man!", Robin shouted abruptly, before Steve could speak.

"Alright, I know, just-"

"No time for waiting! Just come here!"


The Assault Acer launched, followed by the Shining Star.

Kursed came up on the Assault Acers comm "You know you can dock that fighter in the Shining Star it might be faster."Kursed offered.
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"No, thanks. I'm ok here. We just have to hurry there"

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"With all due haste then steave show me what that thing can do."

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"You'll see what I can do once we get there. Look, I can see them now... and they seem to need help... our help, to be precise.."

Minutes later, Steve was met by Decker.

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Deckér greeted Steve with a fairly happy "Hello!".

He noticed that everyone was in hurry,

and asked, interested:

"I see we´re going to see action soon, right?

by the way, what´s the situation?"

He came there so fast that said blue fox did not have much

time to learn about the current affairs. Hopefully he could

find out about the 'situation' soon... It was his first assigment

in the team, after all, and he did not want to screw up anything.

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"Well, the Twins... Azul and Thunder are attacking northern Corneria. I can see them from here. Come on, we must hurry to help them."

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"See who by what your saying here Steve we're suppose to help the twins?"Krystal asked walking up behind Steave the Shining Star was hoving in the air behind her.

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"What I meant was we must help the people that are being attacked. My brother's team and some members of my team are already there. sorry for the misunderstanding."

As Steve looked up, a blue jet.. with hands are speeding towards him.

"It's Azul!", Steve shouted.

He dodged just in time to avoid Azul's charge, who looked around

"Steve, Steve... you're late this time... too bad you can't help your brother now that I'm here. I see you have made a new friend.", Azul said, referring to Kursed, sneering.

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