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Star Fox: TNG CH 2


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Guest Mr. Mario

While still inside the ship, Rick examined a bit of the ship's computer board...it was still busted after the heavy damage that was delivered to the ship. He tried some times to fix the circut boards inside but they usually seem to fail and give Rick a little bit of a 'Zap' to his fur, most of his fur rised when he recieved the electircity and hoped to be careful when he came in contact with the people because he thought by just moving a bit closer would give them the 'Zap' too.

Eventually growing bored as some time passed, he sighed in boredom and exited his ship, he looked around inside the frigate to find a toolbox for himself to use to fix the ship himself.

'If only I had a communicator on me, I would've called Tiberius...' Rick thought while wandering around the frigate a bit...

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Fox noticed that his comm was going off and that Ti was trying to reach him.

"Hey Ti what's up" He said

"The last ship is retreating. You want me to come over there to help with repairs?"

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Now, having the AI of Serena to rely on when it came to controlling the ship, Odin did a quick scan over all the control panels in front of himself, checking for critical errors, before stepping away. Having finished his role onboard this ship, he was now needed elsewhere, and he immediatly broke of in a run towards the hangar deck. The quicker he could get into his fighter and join the battle outside, the less damage the Great Fox would have to substain.

Though, even at this speed, it would take him a couple of minutes to reach The Dragon. Why shouldn't he employ those moments effectively?

Still moving, he started to interact with his HUD, typing in the number he had just received a message from, and dialing it.

Trough the sounds of his footsteps, heavy breathing and the dialing tone, a single thought occupied his mind. Please pick it up.

Freya was sitting curled up in the desk chair reading a book, and pretending not to check the monitor every few seconds.

He's not going to answer, she told herself. He's come to his senses.There is no way he's going to answer that. He probably took one look at who sent it and dumped it right in the HOLY SHIT!!! She jumped a mile when a dailtone began ringing out of her computer. She turned the volume down to zero with one sharp movement, looking at the phone icon on her computer like it was some poisonus insect. She blinked a few times, making absolutely sure that every digit she was seeing was actually there. No. It was right. For sure.

Trying to get her rapid breathing under control, she turned the volume up. She'd left him hanging for awhile, soon he'd hang up. And never call again? How safe was it to even pick up a comm to pc call? Was the data encrypted properly? Was her father listening right now? Should she even pick it up?

Even though all the dangers of it were coursing through her mind, she knew the answer to at least one of those questions. She hit the Accept Call button.

In the few seconds it took for the two devices to connect, she rapidly tried to think of something to say. For once, her sharp mind turned up blank. When they connected, and she could hear his breath into the microphone, it was hard to continue breathing. She somehow managed to spit out a fairly even sounding: "Hello?"

Silver carried on down the corridor, with Rayn behind him. He held his blaster in front of him now, wary of any more guards. He had been stunned when his life was saved by a bounding black flash, the raven that now paced behind him. He had watched her slay those guards with nothing with her bare hands - no, not bare. He had heard of biological reinforcement and armor, but had never actually seen it in action. Silver was suddenly glad that Rayn was on his side, let alone along side him now.

He planned to thank her properly later, but for now, he needed her for one more thing.

There was a door ahead that seemed to open into a large room. Sounds of music, a few giggles, along with the distinguishable voices of Cliff and Atilla, emanated from the doorway.

Silver stopped and pulled Rayn in close.

"Rayn, listen." he whispered. "I have a plan to trick Cliff and Atilla to come back with us. You have to be my prisoner. Play along, and try to look angry."

Rayn nodded, but Silver still had doubts of if she really understood or not. Regardless, he pinned both her hands behind her back, careful to avoid her waist where she had taken the kick from the bigger guard. He drew his blaster to her head, and walked in to the room.

"Hey, Buttheads!"

The girls surrounding Cliff and Atilla turned to see the two battle-worn figures in the doorway, both bruised, scarred, and Rayn with traces of blood on her body. They fell dead silent.

Cliff, then Atilla also turned to see Silver and Rayn.

"Well, well, well. Would you look at what the dog dragged in?" Cliff said loudly, without standing up.

"It's cat, Cliff." Atilla said quietly. Then he turned to the new visitors. "Well, Silver, looks like you came to join the fun after all, hm? who's your friend?"

"that be Cliffanatilla?" Rayn mumbled. She seemed a little disappointed.

"ssh!" Silver hissed, tightening his grip on her hands.

"She's no friend of mine," Silver shouted across the room to his teammates, "And certainly no friend of yours."

Neither Cliff nor Atilla said anything, so Silver continued.

"I watched her kill two of your guards with her bare hands." he shouted, then whispered to Rayn, "show your hands." She complied, holding her blood-stained knuckles in front of her, the light glinting off the exposed metal.

Silver continued. "She told me that she's been sent to kill Hurkha's assassins, and that there's more like her on the way."

Rayn turned to Silver with a confused look, to which Silver winked, then brought her back to gunpoint.

"If I were you two, I'd consider ditching this..." he looked at the terrified girls huddled around Cliff and Atilla, "...brothel."

Cliff and Atilla exchanged glances. Cliff seemed indifferent to the threat, but Atilla looked slightly worried. They leaned together to exchange words, without anybody hearing.

"So what?" Cliff began. "Who cares if some useless bounty hunters are coming after us? If that old man can stop one, we can stop 'em all!"

"I donno," Atilla replied. "Did you see the blood on her hands? I'll bet that she ripped through those guys like nothing. The only reason Silver got her was his blaster, and she was probably off-guard."

"What, so you want to run? What are you, chicken?"

Cliff began clucking and flapping his arms like wings.

"Chicken! buk-bukawk! Chicken!"

"Shut up, Cliff!" Atilla responded, hitting him in the stomach. "I'm just saying, we've been here for a while, we've had our fun. Maybe we should split."

"Oh yeah? Give me one good reason, and none of this 'bounty hunter' garbage!"

"Well," Atilla thought for a second, "The employees here are getting restless, they want their pay. And we're almost out of food."

"WHAT?" Cliff yelled. "OUT OF FOOD?"

He suddenly turned away from Atilla and the girls, heading for a perplexed Silver and Rayn. "Hammer this place! Let's get going!"

Atilla rolled his eyes and let out a sigh of relief, following the big fox. "It's screw, Cliff. Screw this place."


Rayn was dazed and in pain after her fight with the rats, and by the time she had managed to collect herself and take stock of her surroundings, she had her hands caught behind her back, and a blaster pointed at ther head. A jolt of confusion and fear jolted through her, as she tried to remember what she had done wrong. Then she heard what Silver was saying and, began to understand.

"That be Cliffantilla?" she had been expecting something a little more fearsome. Silver shushed her. He kept his hands on her as the quartet walked out to the ships, and was a little more rough than he needed to be getting her into the Starcat. She avoided a cry of pain from her ribs. Once they were in space though, Silver changed again.

"Sorry about all that Rayn, it was all I could think of to get those idiots moving. Once we get back to the station, we'll get you all fixed up, how does that sound?"

"Mkay," she said quietly, nodding off in her seat, her head slumping a little to the side. Silver looked back at her, a worried expression on his face. There was definately blood on her beak that hadn't been there before. He would make sure to have a medical team waiting for her.

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"The last ship is retreating. You want me to come over there to help with repairs?"

Fox sighed with relief. "Finally! Looks like we held our own, but they will be back, and we need to be prepared"

Fox paused for a bit before continuing the transmission

"and actually, I am on the frigate right now, I wanted to check on everyone over here before I headed back over. I got most of the Ship's systems repaired, but the Launch bay is going to need alot of work to get it functional again."

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Serena appeared next to Fox "may I suggest the old Cerinian repair base?" The Ai Vixen asked.

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Serena appeared next to Fox "may I suggest the old Cerinian repair base?" The Ai Vixen asked.

Fox jumped when he noticed Serena next to him. "Oh hey! Sounds good, We could probably head over there as soon as possible. The main engines are back up, but only minimally." He would respond

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"What about the manuvering thrusters?"Serena asked putting her holgram hand under her muzzle.

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"Luckily those are still operational. It was only the main engines that took most of the damage in the attack." Fox responded

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(okay, the constant use of something that doesnt exist is really starting to piss me off. There's a resistance base on Fichina? Hello? AKA, THERE IS NO CERINIAN BASE. I thought we agreed on that.)

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As  Steve flew through the fighting, he saw a big ship. Hopefully thinking that the ship belongs to Star Fox, he launched a pod towards the seemingly damaged ship, a pod which contains Steve's only repair droid. After that Steve thought about what might happen if Malon and his men found out that the Great Fox was repaired quicker than expected, tried to cover for it and sent a short message to some fighters of Malon, saying: "Great Fox on sight, seemingly heavily damaged. Send a request for engaging."

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Steve knew what he must do. He flew away as fast as he can and hovered his ship a safe distance away from the Great Fox as some of Malon's fighters passed him, going toward the Great Fox.

(My internet's sick today, I had to do this because if anyone'll fight me I might be offline at that time.)

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Fox heard Ti's statement. "Great" He would say with sarcasm. "co'mon lets go get em"  He would say as he started to head down to where the Arwings were temporarily being stored

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(okay, the constant use of something that doesnt exist is really starting to piss me off. There's a resistance base on Fichina? Hello? AKA, THERE IS NO CERINIAN BASE. I thought we agreed on that.)

(Then how come cliff and atilla get to be at 'borka's palace?  i don't recall hutt's being in starfox I'm tired of being limtied on my creativity. first Alex has to leave and now this.)

Krystal sighed sitting down in a chair  relaxing.

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(Cause it doesnt affect the story in too much of a way. And isnt krystal supposed to be the last of her kind?)

Ti got in his fighter and started flying alongside his Dad. He saw the mass of fighters and got ready... But then they turned away. Just started turning away. No challenge no anything.

Meanwhile: Malon in his office recieves word Star Fox is weak. He is also recommended to send the fleet. But he denys the request and instead sends a tip to Sargasso Station. Time to watch the clash of the titans.

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Fox was shocked to see that they had left. "This is odd indeed." He paused. "they are just leaving" He turned his fighter around. "Let's head back son" He would say to Ti

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'Now what the heck?', Steve thought as he saw Malon's fleet going away. What would Malon want to do at sargasso system? 'Time to find out, but before that....' Steve sent a command signal to the repair droid he sent to the Great Fox, and ordered it to repair the big ship, then do a small self-destruct upon being seen. After that Steve flew his Assault Acer towards the direction Malon's fleet was taking.

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(if she is Krystal was never with  starfox in the first place. at least according to chapter 1.)

Kari had been checking out the capture frigate when she found something odd in the mess hall  tapping her communicator she caontacted Tiberius "Ti are  you sure this place is safe?"

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'Now what the heck?', Steve thought as he saw Malon's fleet going away. What would Malon want to do at sargasso system? 'Time to find out, but before that....' Steve sent a command signal to the repair droid he sent to the Great Fox, and ordered it to repair the big ship, then do a small self-destruct upon being seen. After that Steve flew his Assault Acer towards the direction Malon's fleet was taking.

(stop snooping. Steve isnt supposed to know about the master plan. I'll tell you later.)

(if she is Krystal was never with  starfox in the first place. at least according to chapter 1.)

Kari had been checking out the capture frigate when she found something odd in the mess hall  tapping her communicator she caontacted Tiberius "Ti are  you sure this place is safe?"

(alright, that was error on my part. But I dont want to use that base when theres already a perfectly fine one on Fichina with an army. I just dont like all the automation thats going on)

"It should be. Why?" asked Tiberius.

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(stop snooping. Steve isnt supposed to know about the master plan. I'll tell you later.)

(Alright, then. I'm ready anytime now, then on my next post I'll do something about it. I'd prefer if you'd PM me, though.)

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Fox headed back into the frigate with Ti and headed inside to one of the rooms where Krystal was. He rubbed his head and sat down. Giving out a sigh

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( little more details on that Fox..)

Noticing Fox had walked into the room she walked over to him concern showing on her face."Fox you alright?" She  asked setting her hand to his shoulder.

"Shall I set course for the Fichina resistance base?" Serena asked still following Fox.

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Fox looked at Serena and said "Yes, sounds like a plan" he would respond. "I programmed the Great Fox to follow us"

He turned back to Krystal and put his hand on her hand that was on his shoulder. "I'm fine, its just nice to get a little rest now. They will be back, and with the Great Fox in the condition its in, we are in a very vulnerable spot" He turned to her and said, "How about you, how are you holding up?"

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"Fine considering I'm not Lylatian." Krystal smirked."I'm just worried about all of you.

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Fox smiled and gave a slight chuckle. "We have made it through worse, and we will make it through this."

He paused "As a family, we will make it through this."

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