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The StarFox dating sim CYOA!


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Edit: For the uninformed, you play by voting a letter. The letter with the most votes or first suggested in a tie steers the story in theat direction. Kay' here we go.

You are a lonely fox sitting in your room, living in an apartment in suburban Corneria City. You are very introverted and despite the hustle and bustle of the glowing, prosperous city, you choose to stay holed up in your cave of a room staring at premium posters and propaganda of the girls you stalk. Almost all of them have something in common, they belong or are associated with Team StarFox, a mercenary team you fanboy over regularly on the internet. Although reasonably dark, your nocturnal geek-vision allows you to see every detail of the women on the posters, which gets you day dreaming.

"Mmmmn..." you thoughtfully moan, mentally indulging in your secret cravings. Suddenly, you snap out of it. A mysterious force has seemed to overtake you. You realize you aren't happy as you are now, and it's time to man up and make your dreams a reality. Out with the cave-dwelling geek you, and in with the ladies man in the making. You figure you that with all great plans comes the plan part, and so you have to set a goal for yourself. You briefly consider hitting the gym or maybe learning to play guitar (girls love guitar) but you don't even know who to go after.

In your brief loss, you pan across the posters. The gears in your head turn until a click, and it hits you that you need to pick one of the ladies to go for. On the wall, from right to left:

A. Krystal

B. Katt

C. Miyu

D. Fay

E. Amanda

F. Fox

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You are a lonely fox sitting in your room, living in an apartment in suburban Corneria City. You are very introverted and despite the hustle and bustle of the glowing, prosperous city, you choose to stay holed up in your cave of a room staring at premium posters and propaganda of the girls you stalk. Almost all of them have something in common, they belong or are associated with Team StarFox, a mercenary team you fanboy over regularly on the internet. Although reasonably dark, your nocturnal geek-vision allows you to see every detail of the women on the posters, which gets you day dreaming.

"Mmmmn..." you thoughtfully moan, mentally indulging in your secret cravings. Suddenly, you snap out of it. A mysterious force has seemed to overtake you. You realize you aren't happy as you are now, and it's time to man up and make your dreams a reality. Out with the cave-dwelling geek you, and in with the ladies man in the making. You figure you that with all great plans comes the plan part, and so you have to set a goal for yourself. You briefly consider hitting the gym or maybe learning to play guitar (girls love guitar) but you don't even know who to go after.

In your brief loss, you pan across the posters. The gears in your head turn until a click, and it hits you that you need to pick one of the ladies to go for. On the wall, from right to left:

A. Krystal

B. Katt

C. Miyu

D. Fay

E. Amanda

F. Fox

a or b

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Milky, I have no idea how you do it, but this is hilarious; I may as well play! :D

B) Katt :P

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premium posters and propaganda of the girls you stalk

A. Krystal

B. Katt

C. Miyu

D. Fay

E. Amanda

F. Fox

OH LAWDY. This sorta belongs in the rec room...All these characters are fictional...And FOX? WTF? Might as welll go with...



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Your eyes settle on poster number 2, depicting Katt Monroe. You fall in love with her pinky pinkness and decide she's totally the one to go for. Not sure when or how you're going to meet up with her, you get ready and go outside anyway because this is a freaking dating sim and so things always fall into place. As you walk, you peek into the stereotypical romantic locations for your prize, under trees, in front of lakes, on benches, feeding birds...

Wait, you wandered right into a park. Way to go, genius. Well, she's certainly not there, so the quest must go on. Thankfully, the park makes for a wonderful hub for this kitty hunt, as a short distance in all four cardinal directions had a place to look.

A. West, restaraunts n stuff

B. South, Amusement park

C. North, university

D. East, an extension of the park where it just becomes wilderness

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Well, anyways, D.

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I'm gonna go with D also :P

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I'm gonna pick D.


DAMNMIYU FTWWell, anyways, D.

I'm gonna go with D also :P

Go on...

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Love is wild, the pink trophy you seek is most definitely in that woodsy area amongst the wilderness. Off you go, soon dodging around your first tree. No sign of her, you must go deeper!

Too bad for you, the woods weren't meant to be walked in and are overrun by thick shrubbery that prove inconvenient to walk through. Wildlife taunt you as they take the trees above and tunnels below, and still no Katt.

"This sucks." You think, suddenly doubting your decision to find love. It's not as easy as it had seemed, but at least you're getting a good walk. However, suddenly, you realize something. You've gotten yourself horribly lost. No problem, you think. Just walk in one direction until you're out of the woods. The plan holds up well enough until you get a good look at where you emerged. Fields. Fields everywhere.

Congratulations, dillwad, you just sent yourself into the middle of buttfuck nowhere by following directions that don't even make sense. AND there's no Katt to make it better, either. All this on top of your unwillingness to go back into the woods makes one SOL foxy, AKA you.

Well, there's gotta be something you can do. Why not get your brain working again?

A. Change targets, Katt is far too elusive especially if you have to put up with this crap. Include new target from mental image of the poster lineup because you're too dense to decide for yourself.

B. Find a road, hitch hike back home or at least to a new place to look.

C. Signal passing aircraft for help

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Love is wild, the pink trophy you seek is most definitely in that woodsy area amongst the wilderness. Off you go, soon dodging around your first tree. No sign of her, you must go deeper!

Too bad for you, the woods weren't meant to be walked in and are overrun by thick shrubbery that prove inconvenient to walk through. Wildlife taunt you as they take the trees above and tunnels below, and still no Katt.

"This sucks." You think, suddenly doubting your decision to find love. It's not as easy as it had seemed, but at least you're getting a good walk. However, suddenly, you realize something. You've gotten yourself horribly lost. No problem, you think. Just walk in one direction until you're out of the woods. The plan holds up well enough until you get a good look at where you emerged. Fields. Fields everywhere.

Congratulations, dillwad, you just sent yourself into the middle of buttfuck nowhere by following directions that don't even make sense. AND there's no Katt to make it better, either. All this on top of your unwillingness to go back into the woods makes one SOL foxy, AKA you.

Well, there's gotta be something you can do. Why not get your brain working again?

A. Change targets, Katt is far too elusive especially if you have to put up with this crap. Include new target from mental image of the poster lineup because you're too dense to decide for yourself.

B. Find a road, hitch hike back home or at least to a new place to look.

C. Signal passing aircraft for help

A,she isn't what I picked.


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Mental image time! You picture your room...

A. Krystal

B. Katt

C. Miyu

D. Fay

E. Amanda

F. Fox

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Oh hey, Miyu! She's hot! You begin thinking about your best option for reaching her. She's a pilot, so she might be flying, but was she on Starfox? Wait... who IS Miyu? Actually, you don't care you just know that you like her and such trivial matters like her occupation and personal life can wait.

So Miyu. Where is she, where are you, and what's the shortest route between the two points? Wandering around has let you down so far, so maybe it's time for a different approach. Let's see... you could use the internet. Nah. Maybe stalk and track her down through her old school? BRILLIANT. Now how to get there? Well, backtracking through the woods seems like the best option. It should only take a half an hour, putting a nice sunset for your romantic meeting.


Only you also kind of fail. You got lost AGAIN and came up somewhere else unfamiliar at first, but managed to make it back to the park. It's nearly dark, the place is empty and quiet. You look left, then right. Left again, and once more to the right. So begins your shady quest to the academy or whatnot. An uneventful quest, but quest nonetheless. No one even got mugged on the way. So you turn and go up some stairs and into the building. Wat do?

A. Slide up slyly to the front desk, flaunt your manly charm and ask for Miss Lynx.

B. Wander aimlessly, hoping she's there.

C. Ask around like a (slightly creepy) normal person.

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