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Another Canon Reboot?

Gene Inari

Restart the Starfox series?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think SF canon should be restarted again?

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A straight question.

Should Star Fox's canon be rebooted again?

I think it should. The series is so full of holes and is a tangled, misguided mess. The best way to fix all the problems the series has is to wipe it all clean ,start fresh.

Long story short, wiping Adventures and everything after that clear into a canon discontinuity. Go back to SF64 in terms of plot.

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I believe so. The formula of fighting a mad scientist and his army of super weapons and giant mechs piloted by monkeys and lizards has a charm yet to be matched in any following installment.

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Would it be more practical? Yes. Would it be a good move? Absolutely.

Would it be nearly as awesome as assembling a crack team of writers to pore over the garbled plot threads of the past games, find ways to fill in the holes and orchestrate it all into a masterpiece of a game, with all the supposed plotholes just becoming Chekov's Guns towards an overarching plot? Hell no.

Of course, that sort of thing is highly unlikely in the best of circumstances, and these are far from the best of circumstances. So I'm going to have to be a sheep here and say yeah, reboot the damn thing.

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As long as Krystal is kept it's a good idea, but that clearly goes without saying. :trollface:

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As long as Krystal and all the plot and character inconsistencies that came with her are kept, it's a good idea.


But really, I like Xortberg's idea of someone getting in there and fixing everything with one huge, brilliant game that we've all been waiting for. Unfortunately he's right in that it's probably too much to expect.

I would just prefer they cleaned it up in a fresh new game instead of retconning half the series.

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As long as Krystal is kept it's a good idea, but that clearly goes without saying. :trollface:


Either way, I agree with all the comments really, so repeating a record isn't necessary on my thoughts right now. Maybe later.

But really, Assault was alright, and had great Playability, so it was a good game, IMO. Adventures would last ya a while, and appealed to Zealda fans too, with some little, very minor, tweaks; containing good music and graphics, so it was a good game.

IMO, though, they were not good "Star Fox" styled games.

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As shambled as the story line may or may not be, the one real issue is with Krystal.

Krystal is a rare gem, she has an absolutely huge fan base, and by redesigning her character there is the risk of leaving a bullet in the back of her head, and that's not something you can recover from.

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As shambled as the story line may or may not be, the one real issue is with Krystal.

Krystal is a rare gem, she has an absolutely huge fan base, and by redesigning her character there is the risk of leaving a bullet in the back of her head, and that's not something you can recover from.

Ha ha ha! That's a good one, really, it takes nuts to say that with a straight face, I mean-

Oh. Ooooh. You're serious.


...No. Nonononono, this isn't funny at all. Opposite of such, actually. She's a dime a dozen sue character with unexplained powers of an unexplained origin debuting in a shoehorned game featuring a planet that doesn't make sense in the StarFox verse. Krystal's character as of Assault is flat and unused, and she has no consistent personality throughout anything she's been in. She's a mess that singlehandedly continued to rip what Adventures as a whole tore and divided the fanbase between people who give a shit and preteen furries who fap to her nightly, because that's where her fanbase lies as easily told by one look at the fanart and fanfic lineup she has.

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A straight question.

Should Star Fox's canon be rebooted again?

I think it should. The series is so full of holes and is a tangled, misguided mess. The best way to fix all the problems the series has is to wipe it all clean ,start fresh.

Long story short, wiping Adventures and everything after that clear into a canon discontinuity. Go back to SF64 in terms of plot.


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I'd happily have them retcon everything that happened post 64, but with the ambiguity of what is and isn't canon as it is, and the unfortunate but significant Krystal fan base, I can't see them completely starting from scratch. Mind you, only major SF fans know any of the storyline anyway, so to the average gamer, they could make up any story centred around Fox and co, and as long as it was fun and captivating very few people would actually notice if it followed the mess that is the Adventures onwards canon.

Face it, if they created a new game and decided to make it follow command, they could pretty much do whatever they please plot wise. As long ad Fox is flying through space kicking alien ass, nobody will mind if there's no Krazoa spirits or Sharpclaws. Can you honestly see the average gamer buying a new star fox game and saying "oh no, where's Sauria?" or "Why's Tricky not in it?", the less favourable plot points can be glossed over, and the important stuff can be emphasised :D

Or, they could always develop a game taking place between 64 and adventures, Farewell beloved Falco could form part of the game if you want. Either way, this could allow pre adventures plot holes to be filled and expand on the characters, but keep Krystal/Sauria fans happy as it remains in the continuity.

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As long as Krystal is kept it's a good idea, but that clearly goes without saying. :trollface:


you'd say that.

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It does make some sense though, outside of the obvious fanboyism. A good % today (maybe even a majority) of "fans" of the Star Fox series are also mainly Krystal fans as well. Thus, it would be silly to completely eliminate her from the series because the overall level of popularity concerning Star Fox would die down as a result. Of course, this is just my opinion.

Keep Krystal while make an attempt to completely rework the series, I'm confident it can be done correctly.

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Ha ha ha! That's a good one, really, it takes nuts to say that with a straight face, I mean-

Oh. Ooooh. You're serious.


...No. Nonononono, this isn't funny at all. Opposite of such, actually. She's a dime a dozen sue character with unexplained powers of an unexplained origin debuting in a shoehorned game featuring a planet that doesn't make sense in the StarFox verse. Krystal's character as of Assault is flat and unused, and she has no consistent personality throughout anything she's been in. She's a mess that singlehandedly continued to rip what Adventures as a whole tore and divided the fanbase between people who give a shit and preteen furries who fap to her nightly, because that's where her fanbase lies as easily told by one look at the fanart and fanfic lineup she has.

oh, good lord! the life of a krystal supporter is a rough one under the hertic milkways's ways. and soon, his "final solution will get rid of us all"

I I like krystal, persionaly i don't think her or fox or any of the charcters need a deeper personality. Why? becuase we don't need people in star fox, we need heros. like fox was in 64 he went to stop the bad guy, when any real person, with a real personality wouldn't have. thats what makes the characters respectable. My link sorta reminds me of bolt, he doesn't have "real" personality, but thats what makes him asome

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oh, good lord! the life of a krystal supporter is a rough one under the hertic milkways's ways. and soon, his "final solution will get rid of us all"

My intent isn't to get rid of you, but to get rid of your blatant and baseless fanboyism. Much like so:

I I like krystal, persionaly i don't think her or fox or any of the charcters need a deeper personality. Why? becuase we don't need people in star fox, we need heros. like fox was in 64 he went to stop the bad guy, when any real person, with a real personality wouldn't have. thats what makes the characters respectable. My link sorta reminds me of bolt, he doesn't have "real" personality, but thats what makes him asome

Agreed to some degree, but wrong. Don't you DARE tell me characters are only good if they're shallow embodiments of ideals. That will hit a berserk button real fast. However, I have a contradiction for you. Exactly WHAT is it that Adventures and Assault did that causes us to not like it so much? Maybe it's derping the game up with badly written character developement with Wolf or trying to showhorn in a romance plot. I thought you were for those, and were against the rest of us who claimed StarFox should be about explosions and pew pews?

In any case, Krystal STILL doesn't belong, and she STILL hasn't done a damn thing other than start a cascade of raunchy furry artwork on the internet.

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@ajc3000fox: I'm sorry, did you just compare Milky's dislike of Krystal fanboyism to the mass genocide of a population? Wow

That piece of Godwin retardery aside, you seem to have no real concept of a hero. Think about who you know as some of the most iconic heroes out there. Luke Skywalker and Indiana Jones come to mind, and those are two characters constantly bombarded by not only physical obstacles, but moral and personal ones as well. Star Fox does not have the personal obstacles. They don't have that relatability because they are so wooden. Even James Bond, who pre-Daniel Craig didn't really have much in the way of character arc, at least had more decisions to make and obstacles to face than the cast of Star Fox ever did.

"Any real person, with a real personality wouldn't try to stop the bad guy" is actually one of the most idiotic things I have ever read and I don't know how to properly respond to it without flying into a blind nerdrage. Have you ever watched a movie in your life? Pay a little more attention.

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My intent isn't to get rid of you, but to get rid of your blatant and baseless fanboyism. Much like so:

Agreed to some degree, but wrong. Don't you DARE tell me characters are only good if they're shallow embodiments of ideals. That will hit a berserk button real fast. However, I have a contradiction for you. Exactly WHAT is it that Adventures and Assault did that causes us to not like it so much? Maybe it's derping the game up with badly written character developement with Wolf or trying to showhorn in a romance plot. I thought you were for those, and were against the rest of us who claimed StarFox should be about explosions and pew pews?

In any case, Krystal STILL doesn't belong, and she STILL hasn't done a damn thing other than start a cascade of raunchy furry artwork on the internet.

the problem with star fox games now is trying to give game chracters who don't need complexities, and trying to give them some. Its retarted. Star fox SHOULD( i agree) about fox and his team killing giant heads, if there is romance in there minimiaze it and i'm fine. My point is we don't need a set of developed characters as long as we base a game about a bieng the game it is. not some saturday night drama show.

@ yes i did dras, and just like you did to the peragraph above i can dramatize things.

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Responding to an asinine statement isn't over-dramatizing anything, and don't go back on it to say you didn't mean what you clearly said :3

That being said, Command is the only game that focused entirely on relationships. The others didn't get into them much at all and expected us to take them at face value. That was the problem.

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Anything is better than the vomitpile we have now. Hell I wouldn't even mind if it retold the Adventures and/or Assault stories, so long as they didn't suck the second time around. I am very lenient with my expectations of Starfox, I only want basic characterizations of good guys fighting badguys with some family conflict thrown in to give it that Saturday morning cartoon charm (like Digimon but with space ships). I don't expect DEEP WRITING or Kojima-levels of character layers, but it'd be nice for Pigma to have a sympathetic or conflicted side while remaining an antagonist, instead of just LOL GREEDY BADGUY, for example.

Really, plenty of the villains have this room for development. The Nintendo Power SNES comic dabbled some with Andross on the matter: making him a sympathetic madman who had lost his mind to tragedies in his life. Still evil and crazy as hell, but a lot better than just I HAVE THE BRAINS TO RULE LYLAT without getting into Metal Gear Solid styled 40 minute cutscenes expositioning their entire backstory and motives. This is my ideal Starfox storytelling.

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I feel that the series needs a reboot, if nothing more than to stiffle those who like to compare the other game of the series to 64.

It sounds to me that 64 was the right formula of difficulty, level design, plot, controls, and characters.

I said it before that one of problems I see of the series is Nintendo bouncing the series around to developers like an orphan. Pick a developer and stick with it. Personally I'd go with Retro Studios as they would do a nice job with the series.

The other problem is that the developers assumed that the series was getting stale after 64, so they tried to do too many thing with it like give complex plot for characters, diverting from the typical shooter format, etc. I like new villains and plot, but not at the expense of the game.

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Oh. Ooooh. You're serious.


Anyway, I don't mind you pointing out the flaws in my argument, but can you at least not be a total !@@hole about it?

As for the reboot, the other reason I think it's a bad idea is because, personally, I think scrunching up 20 years worth of work and with that the culture surrounding said 20 years worth of work is the 3rd Creative Deadly Sin. It's the history behind the characters and the StarFox series as a whole that makes it... well... StarFox. If you get rid of all that then what's left is something that isn't StarFox. (x - x ≠ x)

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There is no history behind the Star Fox characters. I could understand if it was an ongoing series with lots of plot and in-depth characters, but look at it; there's only three post-64 games and one of them isn't even canon.

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There is no history behind the Star Fox characters. I could understand if it was an ongoing series with lots of plot and in-depth characters, but look at it; there's only three post-64 games and one of them isn't even canon.

There's some. Its enough to make you wonder without a whole lot actually being said, such as Pigma's relationship with Peppy and James, or Falco being a gang member. Plenty of potential history there, but nothing actually in the games.

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Guest Mr. Nintendo


Yeah, I think it's time to get the reboot. Only Krystal fans would vote no :troll:

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