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When life gets confusing!


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Alright guys i'm planing to start anew and reopen shop i guess you could say.

Well the school year ended with me making A TON of friends and enjoying my school alot. I am a social person so i have been busy with friends and what not. Finished up this semester with all A's. Since december my mother has been thinking of moving. She is really the boss of our faimly and definentaly is important to all of us. Several trips over to charleston and back i'm 85% sure we're moving. Now this didn't bother me back in december because i didn't really care about leaving. Now i do. I have a ton of friends. Am in great classes, and was voted both the best wrestler on our varsity team, but also the team captin as a freshman. I also was runner up at freshman state and should have beaten the number one guy :/....

So back on topic, i we may be moving and i think if we do i'm gonna feel a little lonely for a while. I hope this helps....

I read a fantastic book called ishmeal. Its really inspiring and changes how you think of sociaty entirely. Really recomend you guys read it.

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i was at a wrestling camp today and we were in the gym in a big high school whatching the coaches teach some technique. Then nobody payed any attention. The varsity cheerleaders had decided to do sprints on the track around the gym, XD i could focus. Then some how they deemed it apropriate to pull their shirts up so that their bellies were exposed :o

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alright so i have an ap world history sumer assignement thats keeping me busy but i should push through all that now that my wrestling camp is over. I dunno what i'm gonna do to occupy my self over the sumer :/

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alright so i have an ap world history sumer assignement thats keeping me busy but i should push through all that now that my wrestling camp is over. I dunno what i'm gonna do to occupy my self over the sumer :/


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Ha ha, that's "User", right?
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^ Your sleep schedule is all out of whack. :-P

indeed i went to bede early just to wake up earlyr, back on track now.

So my friends, this house is officily for sale. Meaning i will be moving before August to a knew state! I feel really lonely. It sad i meet with my friends and we talk and everything, but its weird. Its akward. We know that soon we won't see each other anymore. My profiles on their consouls will be empty, i won't be their anymore. their comfort any companion ship seems empty since i know tha the friend ship we have now is kinda doomed. But even though i know this i want to belive and hope i guess, that i don't have to leave. But at the same time a large part of me wants to move. Very conflicting....

I even still have a crush on the same girl. i won't ever see her again. but i still try to talk with her on facebook....like i'm staying around. It hard to let go of these things. I want to make an impression on my friends while i can. I don't wanna just leave out of the blue.

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I fell horrible, i am vommiting and "other stuff" all over the place. I'm suppose to help my faimly pack but i can't in this condition, i think we leave for mrytal beach friday or saturday, either way i won't be ofline for long.

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Myrtle beach? Good place! Lotsa memories there.

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Myrtle beach? Good place! Lotsa memories there.

ya dude, i enjoy it there. the house is a little small, but who would stay home when you live a couple blocks from the beach?
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Personally I rather enjoy the quaintness of tiny beach homes! Especially the ones on the beachfront itself.

That's something I don't see here in CA anymore. All the beachfront properties are urbanized...

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don't get my wrong, there cute :3 but my faimly is large, 5 people. And when you have a dad who is 6,3 and hits his head at everydoor way it can feel a little tight.

Alright feeling much better today, i'm not sick to my stomach. But still ache all over.

Moving is hard, we all wake up at 7 and work for 10 hours to improve the house. Its taken its toll on my faimly. We are all tired.

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i think we leave for mrytal beach friday or saturday

I was just at Myrtle Beach last weekend, it's not too crowded yet. You should try to go by the boardwalk in the evening, the ferris wheel looks really awesome at night with all the changing colors :D

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I was just at Myrtle Beach last weekend, it's not too crowded yet. You should try to go by the boardwalk in the evening, the ferris wheel looks really awesome at night with all the changing colors :D

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i have taken up BF3 again. Sorta got mad at it and rage quited. lol

i hope this sfo comp team goes through this time. I don't see why it wouldn't. We had a huge dinner last night with all my neighbors as sorta a last supper thing. We all said good bye's. We probably won't seem them till before we move.

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This might be a stupid question, but what exactly does "BF3" stand for, anyway? Also, moving must be ruff. I hope you do okay and stay safe. :)

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This might be a stupid question, but what exactly does "BF3" stand for, anyway? Also, moving must be ruff. I hope you do okay and stay safe. :-)

:3 Its battlefield 3.

Moving is tough......but as much as i dislike it i'm looking forward to it. We're moving to an awesome place. It feel a little tied up in side, because even though i minorly hope we don't move, i would be disapointed if we didn't.

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Ah, thank you.

Yeah, on the one hand it's cool to see different places and meet different people... on the other hand you leave everything else you knew behind. Thank goodness for the Internet so you can keep in touch to an extent. :lol:

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Guys....ajc is a failure at life.

or at least part of it :lol: . Was at the pool and a girl got their with a couple of her friends. I knew her from my bus, she rode it every three or 5 weeks. Other then a few hi's and and knowing her name thats about it. So she sat in the other end of the pool, and after a little time we were at the same side. It was a failure we tryed to talk about like nine diffrent things. couldn't get more then 4 sentences in a conversation. *sighs* trouble making eye contact. ANyway it kinda of failed. But i'm not sure i want to get to know this girl anyway. we don't seem to have anything in common. which means we probably wouldn't make for good friends anyway.....DISHONOR

5.-mishima-seppuku.jpg then on the other hand my neighbor's cousins won't leave me ALONE....and i want nothing to do with them !

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i think today started out as one of the beast days of my life. I woke up around 12 so i was well rested. I went out for a bike ride and my.....the weather was beautiful! not a loud in the sky, the sky it's self was a wonderful deep blue like a seconed ocean above my head. The sun was radient, it warmed my skin and combined with the cool breeeze the temperature was very comfortable. I decided i'd go to the beach, especially since it was only 3 blocks away from my house. So i grabed a chair and two cokes and just sat and relaxed in the sun. The first hour i just took a nap, but in the 3rd our a young gentleman ,only 21, approached me. He shook his hand and introduced himself(his name i can't recall) and shorty after his friend also the same age came over. They were visting the area on a mission trip. The first question was the same as all the other mission trips " would you call your self a christian?". I nodded my head and said" Why yes i am". At this point most missionaries seem to lose intrest; however, this seemed the very answer the wanted. Well we are here from ( some state i also can't remeber). Now, while i wasn't annoyed by their first remark, i certinaly didn't expect this. So the now had my attention. "We like to speak with you about this bible passage" it read" the wage of life is death, but the gift of god through christ is eternal life." I emediatly understood it, but i anaylized it with them any way. They asked" what do you think when you hear the words wage and death?" Well i responded" wage is earned or worked for, or in other words payment."Excelent, and death is the ultimate wage of life right?" I nodded " and death is life not eternal. Now what do the word eternal life and gift mean to you?" i started " a gift is given, like freely. And enternal life is obviously life with god" The both nodded" exactly and so the gift of eternal life is given to us through christ if we become chritians. We talked so more about other things and it was nice. I saw meet the pyro, which totaly makes me intrested in tf2 once more. and besides one little happening i had a close to perfect day !

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havn't posted ina while, this new pyro update has been keeping me busy.

So the church here got a grant last year and has started building a new building. Its much larger, but thats good we had so many people half had to stand up :/

sumner is going by way to fast.....its this move

EDIT: i have the top rated comment on a 25,000 view video XD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GX83ZIyPLJY&feature=related

i'm so cool

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