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I have joined SFO a day or two ago, the day I joined SFO I just lurked around and explored the site. :lol: But now I am ready to introduce myself! So... I don't actually play any SF games. The reason I don't play them is because I enjoy the Star Fox storyline rather then the game itself. I like lurking around on the SF Wikia, reading SF fanfiction, watching SF videos, drawing SF fanart, and fangirling on Fox McCloud. And yes, I have a crush on Fox McCloud, and I admit it, I am jealous of Krystal. Welp... she is way more sexy then I am, I guess I'll have to deal with it... :cool: And as you can tell by my personal text, I have high-functioning Autism and I am proud of it. ;)

Edited by Lily
Added that I also watch SF videos.
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Hey, Lily! Welcome to SF-O!

You are always welcome here.

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Hey, Lily! Welcome to SF-O!

You are always welcome here.

​Thank-you for the warm welcome! :D

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:welcome: to the site.

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Welcome to a place where your interests pretty much fir the bill.

SF-O a place for Starfox.

Welcome to the site!

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Thank-you everybody! I think I am really going to enjoy it here at SF-O. ;) 

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Welcome to the fold mate! I'm Clearwater, but feel free to call me Clear. I'm SF-O's former Resident Blue Spix Macaw, British guy and current Golden Fr An animatronic sitting in the back room of a kid's resteraunt. Phew, I nearly said his name... (Five Nights At Freddy's reference, ask our Resident Foxy and mod OneUnder for the details. :P )

 I like reading SF fanfiction...

​So your a fan-fic kind of person, huh? Same here, I'm constantly tapping away at my keyboard, thinking up what I can. Right now, I'm working on my Rio trilogy; it's tough going, but if I get even just one bit of praise, I'll know it'll have been worth it.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay on SF-O!

Clearwater Halcyon

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Wazzup? Having crushes on video game characters is nothing to be ashamed of. I used to have a crush on Carmelita Fox from Sly Cooper. :-)

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Drem Yol Lok... Greetings, joor.


I am Star_Dragon, one of the several dragon fanatics here on SFO, as well as one of the militants, not to mention sole commander of the Dragon'taan Marauder Corps (in an RP sense). I trust you will have a good stay here. I, myself, recently returned. If you ever find yourself in the RPing section here, don't be afraid of my characters; they may be armed and prepped for combat, but they're generally quite friendly.



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Helro. Greetings. I'm just here making sure that no one ever reads any of my posts.  I can count the number of SF fics I've read on my metal finger :T


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Drem Yol Lok... Greetings, joor.


I am Star_Dragon, one of the several dragon fanatics here on SFO, as well as one of the militants, not to mention sole commander of the Dragon'taan Marauder Corps (in an RP sense). I trust you will have a good stay here. I, myself, recently returned. If you ever find yourself in the RPing section here, don't be afraid of my characters; they may be armed and prepped for combat, but they're generally quite friendly.



​Thanks! But I am not really into roleplay... I have tried roleplaying on other sites before and I ended up screwing up BAD. :shock: I do not want to screw up in your roleplay(s) so... I'm going to stay away from the RP section for now. ;) 

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"I've been waiting for you, Star Fox." - Andross, Star Fox 64 (N64, 1997)

As I like to say, it's always good to see a new face on the site. Do NOT take the above quote as anything else than a welcoming prop. It's about the only quote from the Star Fox games I know of that gets anywhere close to the word: Welcome.

Welcome to Star Fox Online.

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