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More mature Star Fox?


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I think mature, "Darker" universes are dumb, you play games to have fun, who's having fun when they are hearing about how depressing everything is. A bit a troubles fine, a cause to do your stuff, but then you get to darker stories, and first of all, every character is dumb, so you wanna punch them in the face, then the characters are all super serious and your like :( Where is all my jokes that I get to make fun of cause they are so baaaaad... That's the best part :( and then super serious people make jokes and you just wanna punch them cause they are always cocky, "Heh, I'm so cool and you're lame so I'm gonna make a joke about it" type of jokes, and even if they aren't that kinda joke they made a joke and that's dumb so you still wanna punch em. I like fun, and I like my games to be fun, now, fun doesn't mean it can't be super intense extreme action, it just means it shouldn't be... not fun. TF2 is a pretty good example of that.

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But to me if it had nudity,sexual themes,strong language ect. not as me people like say a 10 year old would want to play anymore. Just Saying.

(But more violence. Definitly)

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i disagree, violence adds little to a game other then blood and bones ripping out of skin. There are many more important things the game needs.

I do agree with a darker game but only slightly, it doesn't need to be like resident evil or something, But if we did have a darker game i'd want it to be dark simply because of story line. I want the game to go deeper.

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i disagree, violence adds little to a game other then blood and bones ripping out of skin. There are many more important things the game needs.

I do agree with a darker game but only slightly, it doesn't need to be like resident evil or something, But if we did have a darker game i'd want it to be dark simply because of story line. I want the game to go deeper.

Yeah more violence is good but unessecary things... nope

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I think some of us are missing the point between making a game that is "mature", versus a game that would be rated "mature" by the ESRB.

According merriam-webster, the definitions of mature are as follows:


: based on slow careful consideration <a mature judgment>


a (1) : having completed natural growth and development : ripe (2) : having undergone maturation b : having attained a final or desired state <mature wine> c : having achieved a low but stable growth rate <paper is a mature industry> d : of, relating to, or being an older adult : elderly <airline discounts for mature travelers>


a : of or relating to a condition of full development b : characteristic of or suitable to a mature individual <mature outlook> <a show with mature content>

Bloody messes filled with entrails, sex left right and center, and overly belligerent use of obscenities are not mature. On the contrary, the voluminous and generous use of such things can be quite the opposite of mature: asinine and infantile.* So when we say we want a more "mature" Star Fox, be sure to explain that by "mature", we mean "characteristic of or suitable to a mature individual", not shallow and violent the way so many "mature" rated games are.


The blood sex and swearing does not always mean a shallow story. There are artistic approaches that embrace the aestheticization of violence sex and the such, and can work artistically in this way. The point being made here is that this is not what Star Fox is; that is the domain of such games as God of War, Grand Theft Auto, etc.

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God of War isn't really mature though. It's mostly just taking Greek mythology, and changing it so Kratos murders everything because he's a pissed off dude. It has its moments, but they are rare and often in the subtext.

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It's a bunch of anthropomorphic animals flying around in space ships. It would be silly to make it darker and grittyer. I do like it when the plot is taken seriously though, and almost every game does (Adventures is a bit silly but whatever).

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It's a bunch of anthropomorphic animals flying around in space ships. It would be silly to make it darker and grittyer.

I think the "darker" plot everyone is refering to here is a more "intense" plot.. a plot where there seems to be some kind of urgency in doing whatever ur doing- like in SF64 where its important to save Lylat before Andross takes over & assualt where u must save Lylat before the Aparoid queen takes over.

The question is should we drive the series in a more "intense" direction while not totally leaving what is "acceptable" in the SF realm.

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The question is should we drive the series in a more "intense" direction while not totally leaving what is "acceptable" in the SF realm.

Oh. Well, I totally agree with that. The situation should be urgent, it gives the plot weight. I think every Star Fox game seems to have that sort of weight, and where the main villain is intimidating and is very capable of causing mass destruction of not only planets, but of the lives of so many people.

Actually, Lylat Wars is pretty dark. It's implied that millions were killed by Andross' invasion. I'm pretty sure everyone living on Zoness was killed, not to mention the whole planet was polluted. Also, Pigma and Andross seem to enjoy reminding Fox of his father's death, "Daddy screamed real good before he DIED!" I mean that's just sick.

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I doubt that starfox needs to me more mature. Just because we, who grew up with the series, became more mature does not mean our games need to be. When SF64 came out I played the hell out of that game. It was fun! And it wasn't really that dark. Cartoony villiany 90s kinda "dark" but they are anthro- cartoon animals... hmmm... yeah no. if you want porn/ gore save it for the fan fics that you do. And remember, just because you wish something does not mean it will be so.

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Why does everyone feels the need to binarize everything people say?

At the moment someone says "mature", someone else yells "Yaaaaargh! No porn/gore/whatever!!! D:". That's getting old...

I'm sure game developers can add some depth into games parsimoniously!

EDIT: Sorry, it takes a "c" in French... XD

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I'm sure game developers can add some depth into games parcimoniously!

Aaaaaah!!!!!!! toooo maannyyyy big wordssssss........ :wacko:

......by the way i think "parcimoniously" is spelled "parsimoniously" :cop:

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I don't say porn/gore/profanity just as a catch phrase. I say it this way because that is but a few of the suggestions given, and i found them ridiculous is all.

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I don't think it's necessary. Lylat Wars, the ultimate Star Fox game, had very little mature themes, and it was the most successful game. It's not required to make a great game.

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Why does everyone feels the need to binarize everything people say?

At the moment someone says "mature", someone else yells "Yaaaaargh! No porn/gore/whatever!!! D:". That's getting old...

Because 90% of the time, particularily in *this* fandom, that's what people refer to. I know it refers to more than that, and the idea of *depth* is welcome, but I've seen SOOO MANY topics about "GUYS I WILL QUIT STAR FOX IF THE NEXT GAME ISN'T RATED M AND HAS BLOOD AND SWEARING AND KRYSTAL'S BOOBS AND IT SHOULD BE ON THE XBOX BECUS NINTEENDO IS LAME AND KIDDIE STUFF SUXXX!!!1!!" that I've become trained to give a knee-jerk reaction when the topic of a "mature Star Fox" comes up. In fact I dealt with one of those topics on AL the other day :I (I'm still waiting for an explanation on what "Extreme Nudity" is, though I will accept Uno's for the time being).

"Mature handling of story and character depth in an intelligent, non-condescending and generally well written manner" = Yes


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When I think of a more mature game, particualrly in this case, I'm thinking of the former of your examples (the Yes one, that is) Dras.

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Good! I'm just explaining why my first reaction to the word "mature" is cringing, most of the people I've come across don't have that mindset :I

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Good! I'm just explaining why my first reaction to the word "mature" is cringing, most of the people I've come across don't have that mindset :I

It is a point that gets easily confused in these kind of debates, particularly among the "not so mature" as it turns out.

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More Mature SF?

If more mature then they take the game and turn it into a Bloodbath of killing and crap of that matter, than Yes. :yes:

But making it more mature would be a stretch giving that fact that it's owned by NINTENDO! They don't make violent games. :/

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I almost seems like no one read Chaos_Leader's previous post.

EDIT: this one:

Bloody messes filled with entrails, sex left right and center, and overly belligerent use of obscenities are not mature. On the contrary, the voluminous and generous use of such things can be quite the opposite of mature: asinine and infantile.* So when we say we want a more "mature" Star Fox, be sure to explain that by "mature", we mean "characteristic of or suitable to a mature individual", not shallow and violent the way so many "mature" rated games are.


The blood sex and swearing does not always mean a shallow story. There are artistic approaches that embrace the aestheticization of violence sex and the such, and can work artistically in this way. The point being made here is that this is not what Star Fox is; that is the domain of such games as God of War, Grand Theft Auto, etc.

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