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Fox Threatening to Cancel The Simpsons

El Zorro de la Estrella

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Though the show definitely isn't as funny as it used to be, it is still one of the more-watchable items in FOX's broadcasting lineup. I really do hope that the actors and FOX can come to an agreement; cancellation shouldn't be considered IMO as FOX will be hard pressed to find a suitable replacement that will bring in just as much money!

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Agreed on all points Crazy k_e_nod.gif

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Agreed on all points Crazy k_e_nod.gif

[Thanks :D]

If The Simpsons is canceled, the only thing I'll be watching on FOX is this. Other than that, the SImpsons has ridiculous amounts of talent behind it; quite a few famous voice-actors continue to impress and make me laugh!

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Me, I love Seth McFarlane's shows; but The Simpsons, even though it has lost much of it's classic humor, is still a top cartoon that I'd miss on Sundays.

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I used to be a big fan of the Simpson, back in the 90's when everything was original. However, I do agree with the sentiment that the show has lost its edge and simply isn't as funny and entertaining as it used to be. While I'm ambivalent to the show at risk for cancellation, The Simpsons will be here to stay. The show is also a merchandise giant and a cultural icon and will be around for a long time after new episodes are stopped being made.

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Meh,lost it's shine,I used to watch it when I was younger,got tired,moved on.etc.

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lol! I remember watching a few episodes for the moment years ago then it became more stupid in my opinion. But hey thats just me. And what happened to those good old fashions on which we used to rely? ;)

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Although I'm a die-hard Simpsons freak myself, I think it's for the best for the Simpsons to stop airing on Faux although they'll have a hard time getting viewers back on because most or at least some of their shows were crap or weren't funny at all. To me, I'd prefer a King of the Hill comeback than a Simpsons one.

Also, if the Simpsons were going to be canceled, then a finale episode would be made...you know to thank you for watching the show for 20 years insted of canceling during an episode when the next part is badly needed. ('Who shot Mr. Burns?' for example)

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The show's been on for 23 seasons, the longest running sitcom on television. It will be a damned shame if they were to cancel it instead of giving it a proper sendoff as a final season like it deserves.

Although, I can understand why it might be canceled, it isn't as funny as it used to be. I do think it's time the show ends, but not in cancellation, but as a proper series finale.

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The show's been on for 23 seasons, the longest running sitcom on television. It will be a damned shame if they were to cancel it instead of giving it a proper sendoff as a final season like it deserves.

Although, I can understand why it might be canceled, it isn't as funny as it used to be. I do think it's time the show ends, but not in cancellation, but as a proper series finale.

I compleley agree on all of the points you bring up SFR. Simpsons may not be all that funny anymore, but it deserves a proper send-off.

And Mr. N? KING OF THE HILL FTW!!! k_e_tongue.gif

That show was AWESOME! It's a shame it got cancelled k_e_sob.gif

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'Would I lie to you?', 'Shooting Stars', 'Blackadder' and apparently a new series of 'Red Dwarf' coming up, I don't need the Simpsons :troll:

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I still have yet to even properly watch any of the series...

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They want to pay their voice actors a measly $4 million per episode instead of eight? That's inhumane!

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They want to pay their voice actors a measly $4 million per episode instead of eight? That's inhumane!

I agree they are paid a ridiculous amount, but it's actually 8 mil per Season.

The author clarifies that in the comments, but yeah, should've been more clear in the article itself.

Honestly, I can see both sides of the argument, but they need to come to a real fair agreement which it doesn't look like they are willing to.

I like the idea of the actors getting a cut of the profits, though Fox isn't willing to go for it (ATM).

And they are paid a TON for the show, so I can see how Fox could want to cut that number down some.

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*obligatory Fox hates everything good joke here*

*obligatory implying the Simpsons is still good joke here*

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I agree they are paid a ridiculous amount, but it's actually 8 mil per Season.

Uhhh can you quote that? Can't find it myself but my eyes are derping. If that's the case then he phrased this:

Well, that and Fox wants to downgrade the cast members’ paychecks from $8 million a piece to $4 million a piece, and the cast members might not go for it.

absolutely terribly

...$8 mil is still a pretty penny

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I swear. TV is getting worse and worse nowadays. What the hell happened to Cartoon Network? All of the good classic shows were taken off and really horrible random shows took their place.

That caused me to lose faith in CN. The next generation will grow up without knowing the actual good classics :(

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We still have Regular Show and Adventure Time.

As well as stuff like the Venture Bros, but that's not for kids.

Then again, neither is the Simpsons. Sort of.

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Fox as canceled Family Guy TWICE and the public demanded it be brought back.

Now if they go on with ending the Simpsons, that would be a HORRIBLE move on their part.

How many people watch the simpsons? Millions?

Remember Star Wars? They let George Lucas keep most the rights to the movie for they thought it was a failure. :/

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Can't say I'd miss it. I never liked the series to begin with. Its just not funny to me.

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Uhhh can you quote that? Can't find it myself but my eyes are derping. If that's the case then he phrased this:


the simpsons cast gets 8 mil per episode wtf omg !!!!

Ben Moore:

Per season

It's moved to page 2 of the comments now :wink:

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Fox as canceled Family Guy TWICE and the public demanded it be brought back.

Well time will tell if popular demand has that kind of sway.

With 23 seasons worth of episodes, there's plenty out there for syndication and rerunning. And don't forget the merchandise, that will always make money, new episodes or not.

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A new season of Blackadder? Surely you can't be serious.

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