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james mccloud

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^ Yo!

And everything on my end is doing very good...

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Guest Grimloq

Seem to be getting a cold, but eh, it happens. I have lots of extracurricular stuff going, and I like having an overloaded schedule. Especially when it's all stuff I like doing. o_O

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It's snowed real bad here so I can't do ANYTHING right now...

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Life is ok i guess....still have not heard from that one friend...but another told me how he felt about me...after I told him how I felt...and now we are going out..i am only sad he lives in another state and not much can be done about it...but he is coming to visit during the summer....JOY!!

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I guess I'm doing fine. There're some band things (Solo) that're still bothering me, but my mood's pretty stable.

I've progressed much in Halo 2 Legendary...which makes me happy, as I'm fairly close to beating it.

I haven't worked on Phoenix in a while, I think I should...soon....

There's also those damn course selections. The have the fancy "Summa Cum Laude" plan, and the only thing stopping me from getting it is a 5th Science credit. It wants 5 Math credits, but I'll have at least 6. I've decided to put off whether or not to do the double-up on Science 'till my Senior year, when I'll have more off-periods, but I don't think I'll do it. I'd much rather take more practice in Computer Science and an off-period than either another sceience and a off-period or just both and no off-periods.

Besides, I've heard that is doesn't get you anything more as far as college--you get stamped with the plan right below it (DAP), you just have some more credits to your name. And I honestly don't wanna slave for another science credit so I can get a fancy title. Application is what matters.

Snow, ESF? Down here, we BEG for snow.

But we usually get school canceled, too, so...yes....


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We got like 2-3 inchs, but it's still annoying how it only snowed on the weekend... ruined the fun. Where do you live, down there doesn't help much.

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Okay, I'm in a predicament...

... this new girl came to our school, and she wears cat ears, very dark cat ears. She's very goth too, they don't mix if you ask me. Anyways, everyone, including mis amigos, pick on her... ALOT... and I want to help her out, because from what I hear, she's a very nice person...

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I keep getting that same answer.


I dunno what to do.

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Well, I wouldn't recommend THAT. o.O

So...do they pick on her because she wears "Goth" clothing, cat ears, or both?

'Cause I'm sure you can just bid them to stop on account of either one, but you could probably defend the ears...there're random people (mostly girls) here that wear cat ears sometimes...maybe all the time, for some...I don't pay that much attention to specific people in cases like this due to the distracting appendages.... And they're not picked on too much...

Anyway...yes...side with her...it never hurts to side with people.

Unless they hate you. In which case, avoid them...allience with the enemy is but treachery on both sides.

I dunno. Defend her...well...no. Just side with her....and...see what happens.

*Remembers Decline 3*

Good time, good times....

Oh, and ESF, you COULD just check my location there under the av if you want to know where "here" is.


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I won't turn on her, she seems pretty nice.


And usually people don't write their exact location...

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At least make friends with her... I'm falling in love with one of my friends right now. ;_;

She still won't call back.

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^ I will, and that's sad. Did you ever get her number...?

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meh..life is ok....I have a mate now..(had one for a week....but skipping that fact)..he is really sweet and kind...other than that...the friend i met on here...nothing...ziltch..making me upset..but getting over it..anyway....how have you people been? lol

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^ I will' date=' and that's sad. Did you ever get her number...?[/color']

Yes, about 2 weeks ago, called her, talked for a bit, and then gave her my phone number. She hasn't called or answered her phone since. :(

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Call her again, she might have wrote the wrong phone number down.

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i had to take care of six rebels today i got shot in the leg and it hurts like hell

oh in case you didnt know im a Russian General i know noone will believe me but its true im in contol of half of the west part of Russia.

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