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Star Fox: TNG CH 2


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"Silver! Here they come! Two of them!"

Cliff broke off to engage the nearest fighter, Odin's Wolfen. Cliff's big fighter was at a disadvantage, but all he needed was to keep them off of Silver...

come on, come on... Silver coaxed the missiles to lock faster as he heard Cliff's warning call. Five more seconds...

Suddenly, his RWR lit up like a Christmas tree, and the StarCat shuddered as the three shots crossed below the starboard engine nacelle. The guidance systems of the missiles were thrown off for a second by the near misses. They began to lock on target again, but Silver saw another volley of blasts coming in his mirror.

"Damn! Freya, Silver's off, no shots fired."

Without firing any of his missiles, he pulled his ship into a hard right turn, looking up over his shoulder to try and find his attacker. Straining against the G-forces without the Diffusers turned on, he just managed to see a flash of a fighter as it arced through a barrel roll and pulled out to match his turn easily.

"Cliff, where are you? I'm waxed here."

Cliff, meanwhile, was busy trying to shake off Kari and a swarm of Hornets.

"Sorry Silver, I've got bigger birds to fry!"

"Atilla, where are you?" Silver grunted, switching from missiles to lazers.

"I'm busy too," came the reply. Atilla was tied up with trying to pursue the slightly faster Starchaser as Krystal tried to break off.

Damn, damn! Silver now saw three enemies behind him, all converging quickly. He knew he couldn't take their combined firepower, because of the StarCat's lack of shields, and out-turning them was impossible at this stage, even if he turned on the G-diffusers.

looks like it's time to thin out the field...

He looked forward, checked the starboard engine's readings to make sure it hadn't been damaged, then pushed the throttle in his left hand forward to the stop. Once it was there, he pulled it in an inch, then shoved it to the firewall.

The StarCat's big engines responded instantly, the wings swung full back, and with a flash, the big ship accelerated away like only a StarCat could.

let's see them keep up to that...

(I'm counting on Odin being the only one to follow Silver...)

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"Silver! Here they come! Two of them!"

Cliff broke off to engage the nearest fighter, Odin's Wolfen. Cliff's big fighter was at a disadvantage, but all he needed was to keep them off of Silver...

come on, come on... Silver coaxed the missiles to lock faster as he heard Cliff's warning call. Five more seconds...

Suddenly, his RWR lit up like a Christmas tree, and the StarCat shuddered as the three shots crossed below the starboard engine nacelle. The guidance systems of the missiles were thrown off for a second by the near misses. They began to lock on target again, but Silver saw another volley of blasts coming in his mirror.

"Damn! Freya, Silver's off, no shots fired."

Without firing any of his missiles, he pulled his ship into a hard right turn, looking up over his shoulder to try and find his attacker. Straining against the G-forces without the Diffusers turned on, he just managed to see a flash of a fighter as it arced through a barrel roll and pulled out to match his turn easily.

"Cliff, where are you? I'm waxed here."

Cliff, meanwhile, was busy trying to shake off Kari and a swarm of Hornets.

"Sorry Silver, I've got bigger birds to fry!"

"Atilla, where are you?" Silver grunted, switching from missiles to lazers.

"I'm busy too," came the reply. Atilla was tied up with trying to pursue the slightly faster Starchaser as Krystal tried to break off.

Damn, damn! Silver now saw three enemies behind him, all converging quickly. He knew he couldn't take their combined firepower, because of the StarCat's lack of shields, and out-turning them was impossible at this stage, even if he turned on the G-diffusers.

looks like it's time to thin out the field...

He looked forward, checked the starboard engine's readings to make sure it hadn't been damaged, then pushed the throttle in his left hand forward to the stop. Once it was there, he pulled it in an inch, then shoved it to the firewall.

The StarCat's big engines responded instantly, the wings swung full back, and with a flash, the big ship accelerated away like only a StarCat could.

let's see them keep up to that...

(I'm counting on Odin being the only one to follow Silver...)

(at the distance Krystal is from him yup)

"THAT"S FOX BUTTHEAD!" Kari yelled letting off a volley of lasers towards Cliff her arwing unable to keep up with the starcat she decided to stay on cliff.

"Let's see how you keep up with a Cerinian afterburner my little friend." KRystal said slamming the  throttle to full  the blue glow of the engines changing color to a orange as the afterburnerengaged the afterburner increasing the  speed off the starchaser exponetially as the  time passed.

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Atilla watched with a frown as the Starchaser pulled farther and farther away, now well out of range. His ship was maneuverable and well-armed, but top speed was not it's forte.

"Cliff," he radioed, "You have a Starchaser inbound, radian 098 at 40. I can't keep up, you roll in. I'll cover you."

Cliff's ship was faster then Atilla's and much less nimble, but was nonetheless better suited for catching Krystal.

"Great," Cliff replied. "I've got a pesky Arwing behind me that I can't shake. Take it down for me!"

Cliff caught sight of the Starchaser and dove down in pursuit, and Atilla climbed up to meet Kari head-on, his lazers already charged.

"Say goodbye, Arwing!" he said as he let both the big cannons fire at Kari.

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Kari rolled but it only  deflected half of the damage. "DANGIT!" Kari Growled as her sheilds lowered, however the plan had worked Krystal  sharply turned now heading towards Atilla  all four cannons a blaze as she waited for her missiles to lock on.

Kari with her sheild  down a bit continued after Cliff.

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The wolfs eyes locked onto the gleaming striped left by the Starcats ion engines. "Two can play that game." He growled, pushing the throttle pedals foreward as he carefully aimed the fighter with his fingertips. Immediately, the craft responded. The roughrunning engines spooled up to their comfort zone, propelling the Wolfen foreward in hot pursuit at breakneck speed.

Slowly, the Starcat started to creep closer. At such speeds, the crafts power system was overclocked to the brink, and a charge shot was not an option. He'd have to launch a spread of lasers, and hope he could shot the bastard out of the sky.

Red streaks of concentrated energy streamed out rapidly from the Wolfen. Passing by right past the Starcat and into the cold depths of space.

Odin cursed between tightly clenched lips. He had now warned his opponent that someone was still hanging on to him, and that while he was too far behind to keep on his tail should he turn around to face him. He had to start calm that bloodthirst of his he gained in combat one day, or it would sooner or later be his undoing.

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Fox Banked left, and he banked right from Incoming laser Fire. His main concentration was to defend the ships.

"How's everyone holding up" He noted over the TeamComm system. As he pulled back on the controls Shooting his Arwing up. He managed to get an above view of the battle at hand. He figured he try a sneak attack. He Tilted his Ariwng down, and waited for a lock on the Hud. When he received one, He put his afterburners to full speed, and charged a shot. Waiting for the moment to stike

He noticed that Atillia was attacking Kari. "Not under my watch" He growled into his breath as he switched his lock-on to Atilla. As the lock succeeded, he fired

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The StarCat continued to accelerate away from the fight. Silver's plan was to turn at this distance, select an Arwing, then dive back in with an energy advantage. Still being pushed strongly into his seat, he nonetheless began to relax, thinking he was safe, for now.

This false security was quickly shattered by a stream of red lazers which streaked by his starboard side. Looking over that shoulder, he was able to see one lone pursuer.

what... he's not even falling behind!

he turned to check his engines and make sure they were operating okay. Everything was in the green, but over his shoulder, the fighter was still there.

that's no arwing...

looking a bit closer, he was able to spot the distinctive wings and central cannon of a Wolfen.

Probably a late-model one, he concluded, but still not as fast as a '214.

He pulled his ship into a shallow right turn, knowing that a less-powerful ship would need even more thrust to maintain speed while turning, hoping to open up a safer gap. As a precaution, he made sure the G-diffusers were set to "standby".

"Yes! Direct- OH BUGGER!"

Atilla barely had time to climb after his hit on Kari before the Starchaser appeared again, cannons blazing. Shots impacted along the side of his fuselage, completely disabling one of his cannons and taking out a fair bit of shield.

"Cliff, I took some shots here!"

"Don't worry, buddy. I got the 'Chaser."

Cliff was diving down on Krystal's ship, closing the gap quite quickly, with his guns firing for all they were worth. He didn't notice that both Kari and Tiberius were turning to line him up.

Atilla saw the Arwing he hit earlier maneuvering to get behind his teammate.

"Looks like it's time to finish you off," he said under his breath, rolling up and around behind Kari. He didn't even notice Tiberius coming in fast.

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Odin growled in frustration as the distance between the two ships stopped closing, and slowly started to increase again. It was creeping up to the half mile mark by now. Finally, he had meet someone who had the power to outrun the Dragon. He made himself a mental note. Next time, he would bring some missiles inside his bomb bay. If there was a next time that was...

As the Starcat banked ever harder to the right, he cut his turn closer, aiming for an intercepting course. Being prepared for the other pilot to do his best to make him overshoot into his killbox, he sharpened his mind, focusing only on the prey before him.

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"Alrightly let's see how you deal with a little swarm of Cerinian hornets my friend.' Krystal smirked  eyes on the dimond spinign around CLiff's ship selecting double fire mode after making sure she had enough missles left for a 8 fire burst, she pressed down the button for the missles to fire "Hornets away." She muttered as 8 Hornet missles rocketed out of the missle tubes from the  launcher mouted on the underside of the Starchaser and Towards Cliff's ship.

"Ti I'm damaged handle this bugger for me would ya?"Kari said seeing him pull up near her she  soon pulled off of Atilla's tail evasivly manuvering to avoid more fire.

(note the Hornets Krystal used are close to the exact replica of the Freespace ones ,but appearence is the same. The wiki is a bit wrong in it's description.)

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Tiberius swerved off, trying to follow behind Kari's pursuer. He waited for the best moment and fired off a few shots to Atilla's wing.

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Silver was getting worried. This guy was actually keeping up to him. His ship was almost as fast as the StarCat, which made Silver's usual "hit-and-run" tactics useless... And it was a Wolfen derivative, which meant that even with three G-diffusers, a turning fight would be suicide. Silver only had one last chance.

With a sigh of regret, he ejected the four Predator missiles he was carrying. He was preparing for a maneuver that would require minimum external weight, a maneuver which would exceed the flight envelope of the StarCat and hopefully, the Wolfen on his tail. He knew that knocking down the Great Fox would be almost impossible now, but he had to shake this Wolfen before he could attack again.

"Hornets, huh?" Cliff said aloud, seeing the cloud of missiles coming after him. "Well, you can't get rid of me that easy!"

He broke off of his attack on the StarChaser and shoved the throttle full outboard, turning towards the approaching Hornets. The missiles fanned out to hit from different angles.

"COME AND GET ME!" Cliff screamed. He fired a volley of lazers at the nearest missiles, creating a hole in their fan. Rolling to avoid another one, he broke through their formation. The five remaining missiles turned to chase him as he accelerated away.

He rolled again as he dropped chaff and flares to throw off the nearest three, but just as he pulled out of this dodge, the remaining two missiles slammed into his right wing and tail boom, taking most of his shielding power and a few body panels with them. His G-diffuser output dropped to 75%.

"Damn, DAMN! Atilla, give me a hand here!"

Atilla had just turned on to Kari's six when she broke off, seemingly leaving the fight. He breathed a sigh of relief, but was quickly brought back into the action as a few of Tiberius' shots slammed into his already damaged right wing. With a shudder, his shields dropped to 5%, effectively useless now.

"Cliff, I'm in trouble too! I'm totally waxed!"

he spotted the Arwing over his shoulder and pulled into a hard break turn, hoping to force an overshoot and buy himself some time. Fortunately, his nimble fighter responded instantly, but he was still far from safe.

Almost simultaneously, both Cliff and Atilla screamed the same call for help over their comm systems.


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Tiberius broke off after seeing the damage done to the two, and looked around for Freya's ship, but, somehow, he couldn't see it. Did she break off? Either way, two fighters out of his hair, but Kari's down for the count. "Kari we don't have much room for error. Pull off and find a good distance." he said over comms.

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"I don't believe this!" Freya snapped privately to herself as she dove sharply to intercept Tiberius before he had a chance to kill her teammates. She noticed however, that Kari's ship wasn't looking to good, so she quickly changed targets and dropped a hail of laser fire on her, to fast and to sudden to avoid. It only lasted a few seconds, but it had been so intense that if her ship wasn't immobilized, then it was at the very least limping now. With that no longer a threat immediately she switched her attention back to her original target, but he was on her more quickly than she imagined, and she was broadsided by his own lasers.

"Touchy about the teammates, are we?" Freya snapped, dropping out of his sights and immediately turning back to try and intercept him. To quick again, and now they were dancing again, lasers flashing off into space after missing their targets for both marksmen.

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Kari's fighter by now was limping it's way to the frigate With shields gone along with both wings her fighter barley had anything left to manuver with let alone figh.

Krystal growled to herself Targeting Freya but she was still out of range. Pressing her throttle to max she engaged her afterburners speeding towards her Target The Huntress (I assume that was Freya's ship)

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"Atilla, what's your damage like?" Cliff asked, while taking stock of his own ship.

"Shields down, one cannon out, but flight controls doing fine. You?"

"25 shields, engine 75, but guns good," He answered. "Hey, where'd the bad guys go?"

Atilla noticed that he wasn't being tailed anymore too. He quickly looped up and over to see both the Starchaser and the remaining Arwing converging on Freya.

"She saved our lives!" Cliff said, taking the words out of Atilla's mouth.

"Yeah, and I think it's time we return the favor," Atilla replied.

They both looked over to see Freya in a tight dogfight with the remaining Arwing, with the Starchaser boosting towards the fight.

"Let's get the Starchaser!" they said simultaneously.

"I think he's out of missiles after that salvo at me," Cliff stated.

"All right." Atilla pulled in front of Cliff. "Follow me the best you can. I'll dive in to force him off the attack. He'll probably get on my tail, then you come in and finish the job."

"The Ol' bait-and-tackle, huh?"

"I'm the bait, you provide the tackle."

Flying in tandem, the two teammates dove towards Krystal's Starchaser.


Silver waited for the Wolfen to get to just the right spot over his right shoulder, then hauled back and right on the joystick, momentarily cutting the throttle, then pushing it full again. He felt the shudders as the combustion strained in the engines under the G-force of the turn, and the ship's big wings swung forward, then back as the ship suddenly accelerated in another direction.

Now climbing perpendicular to their last flight path, Silver rolled over and looked up out the canopy, expecting to see the Wolfen overshoot.

It didn't.

Odin was now above him, less then a mile away, streaking towards a broadside cannon pass.

"Damn! He turns way better then I thought!"

Silver made sure the throttle was pinned as he pulled back again, hoping the high deflection would spoil the Wolfen's aim. It didn't. A spray of red lasers arced out of the Wolfen's cannon, now less then a quarter mile away. It was point blank.

The shots impacted in a line across the StarCat's back, from forward on the left engine nacelle to just ahead of the right vertical tail. The left engine faltered, but kept running, and fortunately for Silver, the tail took minimal damage. If the shots had been charged, the result would have been much different...

Looking back to track the egressing Wolfen, Silver saw the big black streaks across his ship's back.

all right, enough fooling around. he concluded. I have a job to do, and messing with this guy isn't it. Time to give him the slip.

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"I don't believe this!" Freya snapped privately to herself as she dove sharply to intercept Tiberius before he had a chance to kill her teammates. She noticed however, that Kari's ship wasn't looking to good, so she quickly changed targets and dropped a hail of laser fire on her, to fast and to sudden to avoid. It only lasted a few seconds, but it had been so intense that if her ship wasn't immobilized, then it was at the very least limping now. With that no longer a threat immediately she switched her attention back to her original target, but he was on her more quickly than she imagined, and she was broadsided by his own lasers.

"Touchy about the teammates, are we?" Freya snapped, dropping out of his sights and immediately turning back to try and intercept him. To quick again, and now they were dancing again, lasers flashing off into space after missing their targets for both marksmen.

Tiberius was mad now. Freya tried to finish off Kari who was trying to get out of harms way. He considered it dishonorable to bring down a wounded foe when they were already down for the count. "If you hurt her, I'll skin you alive and watch as your remains burn to a crisp!!!" he yelled over public comm. He started blazing fire at her craft, but was soon out maneuvered and found himself tailed. Freya, as usual, took her shots.

Sparks were flying in the cockpit as his ship was taking damage, but he somehow calmed down. He wasn't doing anything. REAR SHIELDS: 50% The back of his craft was being pounded. REAR SHIELDS: 25% His fighter was about to be shot to pieces. REAR SHIELDS FAILED. PERFORM EVASIVE MANEUVERS. He suddenly cut off his engines and turned to face his attacker head on, moving shields to double front and fired like a machine gun EVERYTHING he had at her fighter, bombs, torpedoes, missiles, lasers, anything that could go boom was zipping to the Freya, bombarding the craft in a spectacular show of light. Taking one down for sure all at the cost of rear defenses going down.

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(just how much firepower are you carrying? if Showtime can only carry 4 missiles how could you possibly be carrying that much?)

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The eyes of the wolf narrowed as he once again locked onto the tail of the Starcat. This guy was exhibiting some fancy flying for sure. But it would gain him nothing!

It was then he caught glimpse of the countless chunks of space rocks forming a wall ahead of them. He remembered now, this was one of Lylats countless asteroid fields. One of the smaller ones, but also among the busiest. And his opponent was going right for it. Probably hoping to get some cover in between the rocks, or even loose a less daring pursuer. But if there ever was a favorite game of Odin, it was a game of chickens. He would bite on like a pitbull, until one of them meet their demise.

The Starcat rolled over and crossed underneath a large rock, disappearing from view. Mere moments later, the Wolfen thundered trough after it.

Small drops of sweat was dripping down his forehead as he gave the controls a thorough workout. It seemed like for every asteroid he evaded, another three came barreling towards him. Rolling, turning, diving. He had his work more than cut for him, and he could escape the little voice in the back of his head telling him how he had chewed off to much this time.

But still, he caught the odd glimpse of the Starcat ahead of him from time to time. An older and less maneuverable design than his Wolfen, at least on paper, and the guy was still alive? Whoever it was, he could have given Falco Lombardi a run for his money.

It was just then both fighters passed by a particularly large asteroid and into open space again, having turned completely around within the field and now facing the still ongoing battle. Time to end this, now.

With the engine not running on its full capacity anymore, he could afford a charge shot. It would leave him vulnerable should he need lots of thrust while charging, but it was a chance he was willing to take. This guy had to go down, so he could get back and help the others defend the Great Fox and the frigate.

(just how much firepower are you carrying? if Showtime can only carry 4 missiles how could you possibly be carrying that much?)

(Yeah, it does strike me such as well.)

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"Now your after my son huh." Noticing that Freya had damaged Kari and was now after  and she was now damaging Tiberius. "Not on my Watch!" He growled. "Tiberius, I'm coming to intercept her, I'm right on top of ya" He said over Comms as he charged a shot and got a lock on Freya's Ship. He only had one chance, but he switched to full Afterburner's to give his lasers and charged shot a massive amount of Force when they hit her shields. He Flew right past Freya's ship, pulling countering maneuvers and soon heading on to Freya's 6 easily keeping up with any maneuvers she would pull. She wasn't out of the fight yet, but she now had two ships on her tail with Kari following right behind him

"Ti, I'm right behind ya son. I've got this one under control." He said to Ti.

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(realistically its only three bombs and dual lasers. Hes just on adreneline so it seems like hes putting out the whole freaking universe)

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(realistically its only three bombs and dual lasers. Hes just on adreneline so it seems like hes putting out the whole freaking universe)


Freya's head was still reeling from the firepower that had been brought down on her when Fox entered the fray, trying to come up on her six and destroy her from behind as well as Tiberius' assault from the front.

"You really think I'm that stupid?" She growled angrily. She waited until the last possible moment, before suddenly banking sharply and dropping like a stone. With no time to follow her or initiate manoeuvres to avoid each other, the two engaged each other instead of double teaming her.

"That won't be pretty," she muttered with a smirk

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Krystal slammed onto the air brake and turned around to face her pursersers spraying lasers from the four cannons on her starchaser as she turned around effectively putting a wall of lasers in front of her and quickly racing towards Cliff and Atilla. "Fine then if you two want to play it that way." Krystal muttered pushing her throttle to full not engaging the afterburner she set her targeting comptuer to multiple targets targeting the two fighters with only a few missles left she realy didn't want to push it too much but had enoug  for a salvo of 8 that would break of into  two groups of four once she aquired lock.

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Freya's head was still reeling from the firepower that had been brought down on her when Fox entered the fray, trying to come up on her six and destroy her from behind as well as Tiberius' assault from the front.

"You really think I'm that stupid?" She growled angrily. She waited until the last possible moment, before suddenly banking sharply and dropping like a stone. With no time to follow her or initiate manoeuvres to avoid each other, the two engaged each other instead of double teaming her.

"That won't be pretty," she muttered with a smirk

He had inertia on his side when it came to avoiding his fathers firepower, but it wasnt the same for his father. He accidentally pelted him with laser fire.

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"Grrrr" he growled as she banked and dropped and watched as Tiberius's fighter headed towards him, he managed to avoid the missles, but not the lasers that impacted his shields. "Shields down to 64%" the computer stated

"your not getting away that easily!" He yelled into space. directing it towards Freya. He began to pull maneuver after maneuver before he managed to get behind her yet again. He waited for yet another lock, this time going to release some missiles. "Lets see how you like my little invention" He noted as he fired 2 missiles that would lock on to a specific G-Diffuser identity and detonate only on that target. It was experimental, and had never really been tested

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