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  • DZComposer

    SF-O Blogs

    By DZComposer

    SF-O now has blogs! This feature will play an important role in the upcoming major site update. Please stay tuned for more information!

F1 schedule update?

I have no idea when this happened, but apparently the Chinese Grand Prix got bumped up to this upcoming weekend, which means that the Bahrain GP will now be the 4th race of the season instead of the third, and that teams will only have less than a complete week to fine tune vehicles for Bahrain. Not sure if I like the thought of that. But that said, the Chinese Grand Prix will be exciting to watch for those of you who can, it usually is anyways. It features a good mix of slow and fast/wide turns



Malaysian GP - Results

Before listing the finishing positions, I just want to say I should probably predict Mercedes dominate more often. Perhaps it will make the season more interesting, which is exactly what this race did. I'm genuinly upset that I did not get to watch this race, because from what I heard it was truly exciting to watch. Lots of passing, lots of over and under achievers throughout the field and just overall a great race. One of the news stories that was going around the week prior to the practice



White whine

Bored as shit, since my friends are A) all out in Malibu/Maui/Ocean City/Fargo on vacation, B) our beach house in the Outer Banks is rented out through Doomsday, and C) it's too fucking cold to do anything in this godforsaken town.



F1 Preview - Malaysian GP

Well here we are again a couple weeks later, and I've come to a realization. I will not be able to watch the Malaysian Grand Prix, due to the time zone difference. But not all is lost, I can still talk about what the track offers in terms of the challenge and there is a bit of good news about one of the teams that is floating around. So let's get to it. First and foremost, the track favors teams with stronger engines because of the long straightaways and very wide track surface. This makes fo



Does Anyone Just Wanna Chat?

I find myself just sitting around wanting to just chat with people much more often these days. On that note, anyone want to add me on Skype? I doubt I'll be engaging on any level and I'm never the one to initiate the conversation but still. Skype name is cavemonkynick. IM me.



F1 Australian GP thoughts

The Australian GP is now in the past, and I quite frankly don't have words for what could be considered one of the worst races I have watched in years... I really hope we don't get the same trend as last season, Mercedes blows everyone out of the water unless their cars fail on them. I've come to accept that they will be dominating for a few years, but this is absolutely ridiculous. There's dominance, and then there is just flat out no contest. Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg are both excelle



F1 2015 Preview

It's that time of year again, after what could be considered one of the most disappointingly boring, "bad for TV" type seasons of all time this past season, for F1 to make its return. I think it goes without saying that viewers are coming into this season expecting more of the same old, teams X, Y, and Z dominate, with everyone else barely scrapping along week to week. But I'm here not to hype up what realistically will be another "meh" season, but instead I will come in with the intention of pa



Subway performers

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT condone giving money to street/subway performers. The small section where I talk about it a bit is only to get my point across. You know those people, the ones who barge in on your late morning or early afternoon commute, and generally put on display what could only be described as a cringe-worthy performance leaving you to wonder what horrible thing you did to deserve having to sit through it all. Sometimes you get lucky, and you are provided with decent quality enter



Introducing the Crazed mind of FUR

So this is the blog section huh? I like it! So why'd it take me so long to post in here you might be thinking? Well, to put it simply, I was over-thinking things about what topics to write about and whatnot, causing me to become paranoid over whether or not people are gonna even read it if they don't care about the topic of discussion. I didn't want to become the crazy guy talking to himself. But I've come to the conclusion that it's ok, because basically everyone else is too for the most part,



Since when did March Get Here?

I swear that it was New Year's like just last week or something. At the same time I've also done a lot of things that, sadly, are not writing so lets go through them in a list shall we? 1. I finally picked up The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (3DS) and completed it. It was a whole lot of fun and I'd recommend it in a heartbeat to anyone who likes a good adventure, Zelda fan or not. 2. On the subject of Zelda, I also picked up the Majora's Mask remake and it was glorious. If you ar



Me and my GMod works

So I've been working over the past couple of days on some Garry's Mod pictures (Mainly with Blu and Jewel from Rio), and I'm really please with what I've churned out. Check out some of my pics from last night! https://www.dropbox.com/s/jjitjd4l028nvky/dm_overwatch0001.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/5sit0meefh2binx/gm_construct0003.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/bg3k2ty3a3nimjo/tropical_fever0000.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/886tpwnghe6ys18/tropical_fever0005.jpg?dl=0



The Ultimate Story List

The following shows and video games that made the Ultimate Story: The Powerpuff Girls The Simpsons Pokemon Including the 7 N64 games of the Ultimate Story: Super Smash Bros. Paper Mario Kirby 64 The Crystal Shards Rayman 2: The Great Escape Donkey Kong 64 Starfox 64 and Banjo-Tooie There are other shows and video games that became part of the story (approximately 40) that I will mention when the time comes.



Unexpected Feels

Ok, so I usually avoid the word "feels" unless I'm being annoying or among close friends so I can understand if the title made you cringe a bit but whatever. I've been a bit under the weather and for some reason sick me really wanted to play "Legend of Zelda The Minish Cap" again. So I did. I'm happy to report that I'm just as bad at it now as I was ten years ago. Well I'm better at the puzzles now but I'm just as bad at actually playing the game. It probably doesn't help that I'm emulating i



Video Games = Struggle

I bought to many games and I don't have the fucking time to play all of them. GabeN doing his dastardly tricks on us consumers. Not like it's a major problem. I didn't choose the thug life, the thug life choose me. #struggleizspoopy

Dr. Orange

Dr. Orange

Its been to long,

the gap I've left between entries isn't acceptable. First note being this: the fastest way to get over a girl is another girl. Its not the most noble thing i've said...not by a long shot. But it is; however, extremely practical knowledge. They say there are always other fish in the sea and it really is true, maybe I can talk more about that later. Her friend is really cool, cooler when she isn't around. And despite the fact that she is really pretty I don't know what to think. I don't want t



TF2 Clans and Teams

So I've had my attention piqued by the UGC and other leagues that are floating around in TF2. Sure would like to join them, but with my inability to always be online all the time, I guess it's a no-go for now... What I could do is look about for any minor clans that organize matches when they can. Anyone who know any good teams/clans that are recruiting, please tell me about them!



Netflix and Exams don't mix well.

Exams man. That shit hurts like something awful. I think the worst part is how they're all bundled together so you feel add if you are the most unprepared fuck in the entire hall. I also got Netflix recently because AT&T cannot compete to the entire media world at the power and whim of my finger. To bad I can't watch any of it.

Dr. Orange

Dr. Orange

The Lisa Simpson Chronicles Part 4: The Story Lives On

Coming up with this story was fun and I do think about it from time to time. I came up with crazy ideas like Lisa developing a crush on Sonic, calling him her “Dreamhogâ€. They did have a relationship with one another for a time and it dragged on throughout the entire story. It was probably the first time characters from 2 different worlds were involved in any romantic relationships and I most certainly had fun with it. Even after coming up with my greatest creation of all times, I’m still e



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